- 2-1. Community Development
- 2-2. Education
- 2-3. Health
- Consolidation of Peace, Good Governance
- Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues
- Broadening the Partnership
1-1. Infrastructure [ Boosting Economic Growth ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
1-1-0. Overall
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
GoJ/JICA | GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of 37 billion on infrastructure (*) |
1-1-1. Regional transport infrastructure, including roads and ports
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1] Provide financial and technical assistance for the planning, construction and improvement of regional transport corridors and international ports. | ● Development/expansion of national and regional transport corridors | GoJ/JICA/WBG/AfDB/EC/ICA | AfDB: $ 5 billion |
[2] Support capacity building for the management and maintenance of regional infrastructure. [3] Promote facilitation of cross-border procedures such as One Stop Border Post (OSBP). |
● Promote facilitation of cross-border procedures | GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(MOF)/GoUK(DFID)/JICA | GoJ (MOF): Hold seminars/training and dispatch experts in the field of customs in collaboration with WCO |
1-1-2. Regional power infrastructure
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1] Strengthen cooperation to provide a stable power supply for the whole region, and to build capacity to manage and maintain regional power networks. | ● Support development/expansion of power projects and transmission and distribution networks | GoJ/WBG/AfDB/Africa-EU Partnership on Energy/ICA/JICA | AfDB: $ 5.5 billion for power generation, transmission and distribution |
1-3. Agriculture and Rural Development [ Boosting Economic Growth ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
1-3-4. Others
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
● Immediate interventions to address rising food prices: rapidly increased supply response for food staples; assistance to consumers; targeted interventions to address hunger | GoJ/WBG and other partners |
GoJ: Provide emergency food aid worth of 100 million between May and July 2008 (mainly targeting Africa) , and other measures to be identified |
2-1. Community Development [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
2-1-1. Comprehensive “Glocal” (global and local) community development
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[3]Expand the OVOP project. | ● Promote the gOne Village One Product (OVOP)h Movement to achieve poverty reduction through community development | ILO | ILO COOP Africa Challenge Fund |
2-1-2. Community based approach building on functional hubs
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[4]Improve health centers as the core of support and provide training for health/medical workers. | ● Support training and retention of health and medical workers, including Skilled Birth Attendants ● Improve the provision of health services, including through expansion of health infrastructure and facilities |
GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | (i)Improvement of 1,000 hospitals and health centers (ii) Training of 100,000 health and medical workers |
2-2. Education [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
2-2-1. Basic education - expansion of access and quality
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[4]Promote knowledge/experience sharing within Africa and between Asia and Africa on such themes as culture and gender sensitive curricula, learning materials and training manuals. | ● Expand teacher training in math and science through SMASE (Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Education) by extending program to additional countries and encouraging sharing of experiences | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA/WBG | GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Enhancement of teaching ability of 100,000 teachers of Math & Science |
2-2-2. Post basic education and higher education/research
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Promote human resource development in support of productive sectors by expanding institutions for technical and vocational education and training. | ● Study visit on Vocational Training in Thailand | RTG(TICA) | RTG: for the year 2010, $10,000 |
2-2-3. Multi-sectoral approach
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Establish child-friendly school environment through comprehensive packages of assistance including safe water and sanitation facilities with separate toilets for boys and girls, school feeding, or food for schooling (take-home ration) and first aid and referral services. | ● Provide School feeding or food for schooling to girls | WFP | Provide school meals to 23 million children in 45 African countries in cooperation with NGOs and national governments |
2-3. Health [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
2-3-0. Overall
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of 43 billion on health (*) |
2-3-1. Strengthening of health systems
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Improve the provision of health services, including through expansion of health infrastructure and facilities. | ● Development Cooperation on Prostheses Production | RTG(TICA)/Prostheses Foundation | RTG: for the year 2010, $ 70,000 |
2-3-2.Improvement of maternal, new-born and child health
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Support interventions focusing on reducing under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio. | ● Improvement of child health | GoJ(MOFA)/UNICEF and other health related organizations | GoJ (MOFA)/UNICEF and other health-related organizations: Save the lives of 400,000 children |
2-3-3. Measures against infectious diseases
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[7]Others | ● Transfer technology and know-how in low-cost anti-Malaria drug production in a potential African country | RTE | For the year 2009, ca. $ 85,000 |
3. Consolidation of Peace, Good Governance
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
3-0. Overall
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
● Provide support for addressing humanitarian crises and consolidating peace | GoJ/Various international organizations/UN organs/WBG | (i) GoJ: Continue to duly assist in addressing humanitarian crises and consolidating peace(*) |
3-2. Humanitarian and reconstruction assistance
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Support early recovery and quick-impact interventions, including assistance to basic social infrastructure and services and to the return and reintegration of refugees and internally displaced persons. | ● Assistance for return and reintegration of refugees and internally displaced persons | GoJ/UNHCR | GoJ: Annual Financial contribution 2009 to UNHCR |
[2]Support livelihoods through vocational training, job creation, and start-up assistance to small business and agriculture. | ● Support livelihoods through start-up assistance to small business and agriculture | GoJ/FAO | GoJ: Financial support from 2009 Supplementary Budget |
[4]Support efforts on disarmament of armed groups, de-mining, destruction of unexploded ordnance, stockpile management and collection of small arms which will contribute to both the restoration of safety, security and good governance and humanitarian and reconstruction efforts. | ● Support for the small arm light weapons control and /or stockpile management in Africa | GoJ/UNDP/RECSA | GoJ:Financial support through Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund |
● Support for the DDR programme in Africa | GoJ/UNDP | GoJ: Financial support through Grant Aid for Peacebuilding |
3-3. Restoration and maintenance of security
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Strengthen PKO centers in Africa and encourage exchange of experience between Asia and Africa. | ● Support PKO training centers in Africa | GoJ/UNESCO/Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (JCCP) | GoJ: Assistance through the Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Capacity-building of Human Resources |
3-4. Promotion of good governance
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Provide assistance to build capacity in legal systems, financial control and the public service. | ● Support to capacity enhancement of policy formulation and implementation in public finance and in macroeconomics | GoJ/World Customs Organization(WCO) | GoJ (MOF): Financial contribution to WCO |
[4]Others | ● Support to the organization of democratic election for the promotion of good governance | GoJ/UNDP | GoJ:Financial support through Emergency Grant Aid |
4. Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
4-1. Mitigation
4-1. (1)Promotion of mitigation measures
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[3]Support the development of and access to basic information on forest resources and land use to encourage sustainable forest management and promote conservation and reforestation projects in response to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD). | ● Provide support for forest conservation in the Congo Basin | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA: Conduct the seminar for protection of tropical forest in Congo Basin *It was moved from 4-2(2)[2] |
4-1. (2)Promotion of the use of clean energy and improvement of energy access
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Support the formulation of policies and plans to expand usage of renewable energy, and assist renewable energy programmes including facilitating transfer of management and maintenance technology. | ● Support development and use of clean energy, including solar energy, through sector strategy and policy formulation and investment in renewable energy | GoJ/WBG | GoJ: Support by "Cool Earth Partnership" and "Hatoyama Initiative" (*) |
[2]Support the development and management of electricity power grid to promote improved access to and efficient use of electricity, and promote better access of the poor to affordable and efficient energy through comprehensive rural development programmes. | ● Support the provision of affordable and clean energy for lighting African Human Settlements | UN-HABITAT | Support the project through Water and Sanitation Trust Fund ($ 1 million) |
5. Broadening the Partnership
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
5-1. Promote South-South Cooperation - Asia-Africa Cooperation, Africa-Africa Cooperation
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Transfer efficiently skill and technique, share knowledge and experience, and promote joint research within Africa and between Asia and Africa. | ● Enhance African local NGOs’ (member associations’) understanding about human security concept and its careful application in planning and implemention of activities and broadly share experiences within Africa | IPPF Africa Regional Office IPPF member associations in Africa including Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU); Family Planning Association of Liberia (FPAL); Family Planning Association of Angola (ANGOBEFA); Association de Bien-Etre Familial- Naissances Desirables (ANEF-ND) |
Research on human security and reproductive health in Africa |
[2]Promote the exchange of people, trade and investment and services to strengthen the ties between Asia and Africa. | ● Expand Asia Africa Knowledge Co-creation Program (AAKCP) | JICA | JICA: Promote AAKCP in 12 countries for improving management |
● Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
● MDB projects are to be decided.
● $ = US dollars
● Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
● Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
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