2-1. Community Development [ Achieving MDGs ]
2-1-1. Comprehensive “Glocal” (global and local) community development
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Support a comprehensive community-driven development approach and build on experiences such as the African Village Initiative (AVI) and the African Millennium Village (AMV). | ● Support African Millennium Village (AMV) | GoJ(MOFA)/UNDP | Expansion of AMV projects to 12 countries in total |
[2]Provide technical assistance, marketing skills and micro-finance for decent job creation, especially for young people, and income generation by collaborating with co-operatives. [3]Expand the OVOP project. |
● Extend technical cooperation on generating income for villagers through training programme on “One Tambol One Product (OTOP)”, Micro-finance and SME development | RTG(TICA) | For the year 2009, ca. $ 15,000 |
[3]Expand the OVOP project. | ● Promote the “One Village One Product (OVOP)” Movement to achieve poverty reduction through community development | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | Expansion of OVOP projects to 12 countries |
ILO | ILO COOP Africa Challenge Fund | ||
[4]Others | ● Promote enlarged access to energy services for productive uses in rural communities through the scaling-up of multifunctional platform programmes | GoJ(MOFA)/UNDP/AfDB | GoJ/AfDB: Provide funds to multifunctional platform programmes through Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund UNDP: Provide technical support to multifunctional platform programmes |
●Support women’s entrepreneurship initiatives | GoJ(MOFA)/UNDP | GoJ (MOFA): Support pilot initiative through UNDP/Japan WID Fund UNDP: Carry out pilot initiative |
ILO/AfDB | ILO/AfDB: Organize the 1st Pan African Forum for Women Entrepreneurship in Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis and set up the follow-up platform. | ||
● Technical cooperation project on sustainable development between a potential African country and the Kingdom of Thailand (Phase II) | RTE | For the year 2009, ca. $ 130,000 | |
● Exchange best practices under the concept of Sufficiency Economy and New Agricultural Theory by creating Model Village in a potential African country | Planning FY 2009-2012 (ca. $ 160,000) to implement the project | ||
● Promote gender equality | GoJ(MOFA)/UNFPA | Eliminating Child Marriage in Burkina Faso | |
● Provide support for the Delivering as One to meet the development needs and rights of Rwanda adolescents and youth | GoJ/UNV (part of UN joint programme with UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNAIDS, WFP, Government of Rwanda) | UNV Japan Trust Fund: $373,207 | |
● Provide support for the coordination and promotion of volunteerism in Senegal (ACOPROV) | GoJ/UNV | UNV Japan Trust Fund: $414,108 / UNV Special Voluntary Fund: $500,000 |
2-1-2. Community based approach building on functional hubs
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Provide a comprehensive package of services at schools and community learning centers, including water supply and sanitation, school meals, first aid and referral service, literacy, and life-skill education, in addition to basic education. | ● Promote life skills based education | UNICEF | Empower young people through Life Skills-Based Education (LSBE) |
● Provide school based health and nutrition services, safe water and sanitation facilities | Provide a comprehensive package of health and nutrition services as part of the Child Friendly School Initiative | ||
● Comprehensive support to communities | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | Provide support through Community Development Grant Aid | |
[1]Provide a comprehensive package of services at schools and community learning centers, including water supply and sanitation, school meals, first aid and referral service, literacy, and life-skill education, in addition to basic education. [4]Improve health centers as the core of support and provide training for health/medical workers. |
● Provide comprehensive support to develop local population’s capacity to tackle poverty and hunger which covers 6 domains including: health and sanitation, education, economic empowerment, nutrition, environment and promotion of gender equality. | Hunger Free World | Implement a comprehensive community development programme in the Commune of Ze in the region of Atraltique, Benin (37.6 million yen for 2009) (Including approx. 19.8 million yen of MOFA’s Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO projects) |
Implement a comprehensive community development programme in the Commune of Koubri in the Central Region, Burkina Faso (13.8 million yen for 2009) | |||
[2]Encourage involvement of local people in the school management (“School for All”) in order to enhance their access to education and learning outcomes, and to strengthen linkages with local economy including through home grown feeding programmes. | ● Expand school-based management of schools with community participation and extend programs to additional countries. Illustrative activities include measures to improve and disseminate tools for community management of schools, train school committees | GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(MOF)/JICA | Expand “School for All” models for 10,000 schools |
[3]Support water resource management by local co-operatives to generate income for education, health and agriculture initiatives. | ● Capacity building on water resources management | GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | Capacity building of 5,000 water managers/users |
[4]Improve health centers as the core of support and provide training for health/medical workers. | ●Support training and retention of health and medical workers, including Skilled Birth Attendants ● Improve the provision of health services, including through expansion of health infrastructure and facilities |
GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | (i) Improvement of 1,000 hospitals and health centers (ii) Training of 100,000 health and medical workers |
[5]Improve human settlements by establishing community development committees to improve housing, sanitation, water supply and drainage facilities. | ● Provide comprehensive support to develop local population’s capacity to tackle poverty and hunger which covers 6 domains including: health and sanitation, education, economic empowerment, nutrition, environment and promotion of gender equality | Hunger Free World | Implement a comprehensive community development programme in 5 parishes of Wakiso District (14.0 million yen for 2009) |
●Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
●MDB projects are to be decided.
●$ = US dollars
●Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
●Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
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