TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report DIGEST 2009

SectorsImplementing PartnersCountriesReporting Years

Implement a comprehensive community development programme in the Commune of Koubri in the Central Region, Burkina Faso (13.8 million yen for 2009)

Yokohama Action Plan
[1]Provide a comprehensive package of services at schools and community learning centers, including water supply and sanitation, school meals, first aid and referral service, literacy, and life-skill education, in addition to basic education.
[4]Improve health centers as the core of support and provide training for health/medical workers.
Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners
● Provide comprehensive support to develop local population’s capacity to tackle poverty and hunger which covers 6 domains including: health and sanitation, education, economic empowerment, nutrition, environment and promotion of gender equality.
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions
Implement a comprehensive community development programme in the Commune of Koubri in the Central Region, Burkina Faso (13.8 million yen for 2009)
Implementing Partners
Hunger Free World
Related Links
Implement a comprehensive community development programme in the Commune of Ze in the region of Atraltique, Benin (37.6 million yen for 2009) (Including approx. 19.8 million yen of MOFA’s Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO projects)

Current Status of Implementation 2009

Burkina Faso
(i) HFW supported a child nutrition rehabilitation center. Over 600 children received care at this center. It also provided shcool meals for elementary school children. (ii) HFW also implemented income generation projects with 4 local women’s groups and improved income of over 100 women and their families. (see project details)
More information
http://www.hungerfree.net/english/whatdo/burkinafaso/index.html other site

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