AfDB: $ 5.5 billion for power generation, transmission and distribution
- Yokohama Action Plan
- [1] Strengthen cooperation to provide a stable power supply for the whole region, and to build capacity to manage and maintain regional power networks.
- Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners
- ● Support development/expansion of power projects and transmission and distribution networks
- Potential Resources, Possible Contributions
- AfDB:From 2008 to 2012, $ 5.5 billion for power generation, transmission and distribution
- Related Links
- WBG: (i) Double annual lending to $ 2 billion and aim to mobilize another $ 2 billion in co-financing,
(ii) Support to Southern Africa, West Africa, Central Africa and East Africa Power Pools in the order of $ 500 million per year,
(iii) IFC to finance 15 + Public Private Partnership (PPP) in power sector FY 2008-2011, estimated financing of $400-500 million
GoJ/WBG/AfDB/ICA: Use the ICA as a platform to promote regional infrastructure development
EU: ca. € 300 million
Current Status of Implementation 2009
- Status
- National power projects with a total value of UA 2,143.24 million (approximately US$ 3,365 million) have been approved by the AfDB board. This include a loan to South Africa (ESKOM) of UA 1,700 million (approximately US$ 2,667 million).
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- Budget
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Current Status of Implementation 2008
- Country
- DRC/Sierra Leone/Ethiopia/Djibouti/Guinea/Egypt/NELSAP countries (Kenya/Uganda/Rwanda/Burundi/Tanzania)
- Status
- National and Regional power projects with a total value of US$770 million have been approved by the AfDB board. This includes the NELSAP Interconnection Project covering several countries in East Africa.
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- Budget
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