TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008

1-3. Boosting Economic Growth – Agriculture and Rural Development

Progress Status Index
Annual Progress Report (PDF) PDF

Actions to be taken in the next 5 years under the TICAD Process(Yokohama Action Plan)

The TICAD process will seek alignment with the CAADP agenda to:

  • (1) Enhance capacity to increase food production and agricultural productivity
  • (2) Improve access to markets and agriculture competitiveness
  • (3) Support sustainable management of water resources and land use

Principal measures taken under the TICAD process up to February 2009

Agriculture and Rural Development

Out of the total target amount of grant aid and technical assistance (JPY 26 billion) over five years in the field of agriculture and rural development, at least JPY 4.42 billion (17%) has been committed (E/N base): at least four grant aid projects for underprivileged farmers in three countries, five grant aid cooperation projects, and eight technical assistance projects in seven countries were initiated.

Immediate response to high food prices (short term)

Regarding the committed emergency food aid worth of USD 100 million to be implemented between May-July 2008, JPY 15.3 billion has been committed by the end of December 2008. Out of that amount, a total of JPY 9.03 billion was earmarked for seventeen African countries - on a bilateral basis for six countries, and through the World Food Programme (WFP) for another eleven countries.

In addition, the supplemental budget proposal for FY2008 that includes JPY 29.9 billion to respond to food security crisis in Africa, is approved at the Japanese Diet and expected to be disbursed in March 2009.

The EU has established a 1 billion Euro facility for response to soaring food prices in developing countries. 58% of contribution is planned to go to Africa, benefiting 30 African countries and some at regional level.

Measures to increase food supply (medium-long term)

At the 2008 annual meeting of the World Bank/IMF Joint Development Committee, Japan decided to provide USD 100 million over the next five years, through the World Bank Trust Fund for comprehensive assistance for African agriculture.

Measures to increase agricultural productivity (medium-long term)

The implementation framework of the Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) initiatives was agreed upon. Programs to increase and improve the quality and quantity of rice production in Africa, including capacity building, research and development as well as training programs on (1) small-scale irrigation, (2) introduction and promotion of agricultural technology, (3) water resource management, (4) land utilization, are on-going, including through the above-mentioned grant aid and technical assistance. These supports include the assistance targeting at increasing rice production and agricultural productivity. As for the South-South cooperation, technical assistance on rice production, fishery and aquaculture is proceeding in some African countries.

Future challenges

▪ In order to support the sustainable development of agriculture and related sectors, it is necessary to address the possible environmental impact of agricultural activities. At the same time, more attention needs to be given to the empowerment of women, who play such a critical role in agriculture across the continent. In addition, greater emphasis needs to be placed on the potential of South-South cooperation in this important sector, including the potential of triangular cooperation.

▪ It is important for African countries to continue strengthening the implementation of NEPAD’s CAADP as well as promoting assistance to improve agricultural productivity and market access.

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