What's New December 2014
- December 31
- December 29
- December 26
- December 25
- December 24
- December 19
- Japan.–U.S. Energy Strategic Dialogue
- Emergency Assistance to Cabo Verde in response to the Eruption of Pico de Fogo volcano
- Summary of the Ninth Round of Negotiations for the Japan-Colombia Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
- Adoption of the Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in DPRK at the Plenary Meeting of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly
- Japan and United States Clear Unexploded Ordnance in Laos
Joint Statement of the Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee [100KB]
- December 18
- December 17
- Japan-Palau Summit Meeting and Dinner
- Japan-U.S. Summit Telephone Talk
- Japan-India Summit Telephone Talk
- Grant Aid to the Republic of Niger Exchange of Letters on “The Project for Strengthening Community and Regional Capacities for Security Enhancement in Niger”
- The 7th Japan-India Strategic Dialogue on Economic Issues
- Agreement on the substance on the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the State of Qatar for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
- Message by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to H.E. Mr. Nawaz Sharif, on the Terrorist Attack in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- December 16
- Japan-Australia Summit Telephone Talk
- Press Conference by Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida (December 16 10:32 AM)
- Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, on the Terrorist Attack in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- Emergency Grant Aid for the Presidential By-Election in the Republic of Zambia
- Exchange of Diplomatic Notes concerning Entry into Force of the Agreement between Japan and Australia for an Economic Partnership
- December 15
- The 20th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 20)
- Japan-U.K. Summit Telephone Talk
- The President of the Republic of Palau to Visit Japan
- Dispatch of an expert in response to an unstable water supply situation caused by a fire incident at the water producing plant in Male, the Maldives
- The 10th Japan-the Islamic Republic of Iran Human Rights Dialogue
- The 3rd Japan-Switzerland Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation Joint Press Release
- December 12
- December 11
- December 10
- Invitation of Governmental and Parliamentary Officials in Charge of Elections from Cambodia, Nepal and Pakistan
Statement by Ambassador Toshio Sano at the 3rd Conference on Humanitarian Impact on Nuclear Weapons [120KB]
- Notes exchanged with Hong Kong concerning Exchange of Information under the Tax Agreement
- Emergency Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Typhoon Disaster
- The 8th Japan-Poland Intergovernmental Consultations on Cooperation on Science and Technology Joint Press Release
- December 9
- Additional Designation of Individuals and Entities Subject to the Measures to Freeze Assets of Those Who Are Considered to Be Directly Involved in “Annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol or Destabilization of Eastern Part of Ukraine
- Press Conference by Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida (December 9 8:38 AM)
- Implementation of emergency grant aid in response to the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West African countries, the secondment of an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to UNMEER and the dispatch of a Japanese medical expert through WHO
- December 8
- December 6
- December 5
- December 4
- December 3
- December 2
- Summary of the First Round of the Negotiations for a Japan-Turkey Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
- Statement by Foreign Press Secretary Kuni Sato on the parliamentary election in the Kingdom of Bahrain
- The Fifth Meeting of the Japan-China Policy Dialogue on the Mekong Region
- Study Tour to Koya Town, Wakayama Prefecture by the Diplomatic Corps in Japan
- December 1
- Fourth Meeting of the New Japan-China Friendship Committee for the 21st Century to be Held
- Assistance by the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security to the Project in Liberia
- Visa Waiver for Indonesian Nationals Based on a System of E-Passport Registration
- Energy Charter Treaty Forum (Summary and Evaluation)