TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report DIGEST 2009
Progress status list Index

SectorsImplementing PartnersCountriesReporting Years


1-1.  Infrastructure  [ Boosting Economic Growth ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF


Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
GoJ/JICA GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of ¥37 billion on infrastructure (*)

1-1-1.Regional transport infrastructure, including roads and ports

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[2] Support capacity building for the management and maintenance of regional infrastructure.
[3] Promote facilitation of cross-border procedures such as One Stop Border Post (OSBP).
● Promote facilitation of cross-border procedures GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(MOF)/GoUK(DFID)/JICA GoJ (MOF): Hold seminars/training and dispatch experts in the field of customs in collaboration with WCO

1-2.  Trade,Investment and Tourism  [ Boosting Economic Growth ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF

1-2-2.Encourage foreign investment

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[3]Utilize more effectively official funding sources such as investment credit, trade and investment insurance to enhance PPP and leverage private capital flows to Africa. ● Enhance Public-Private Partnership to effectively coordinate between official flows and private capitals, to expand good practices of Corporate Social Responsibilities in linking up with official flows GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(METI)/JICA/JOGMEC/JATA/Private Sector Dispatch of several Public-Private missions for practioners

1-2-3.Assist private sector development

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[5]Provide technical and financial assistance to promote self-reliant utilization of energy and mineral resources. ● Provide technical cooperation and financial assistance for promoting energy and mineral resources industries
● Provide cooperation including the field of remote-sensing for mineral resources in Southern African Development Community (SADC)
GoJ(METI)/JOGMEC Provide technical assistance and financial supports for oil exploration projects

1-3.  Agriculture and Rural Development  [ Boosting Economic Growth ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF


Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
GoJ/JICA GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: grants and technical assistance out of ¥26 billion on agriculture (*)

2-1.  Community Development  [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF

2-1-1.Comprehensive “Glocal” (global and local) community development

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[3]Expand the OVOP project. ● Promote the “One Village One Product (OVOP)” Movement to achieve poverty reduction through community development GoJ(MOFA)/JICA Expansion of OVOP projects to 12 countries

2-2.  Education  [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF


Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
GoJ(MOFA)/JICA GOJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of ¥44 billion on education (*)

2-2-2.Post basic education and higher education/research

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[2]Strengthen partnership among universities, colleges and research institutes through joint researches and the exchange of researchers and students to expand research and knowledge accumulation in science and technology. ● Education Cooperation RTG(TICA)/Thai Universities RTG: For the year 2010, $ 70,000

2-3.  Health  [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF

2-3-3.Measures against infectious diseases

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[2]Strengthen central government institutions for HIV/AIDS and prioritize prevention of new infections. ● Training course on Management of Long-term Adherence to ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) RTG(TICA)/RTG (Department of Disease Control) RTG: for the year 2010, $ 70,000

4.  Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF


4-2. (3)Others

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
● Support African countries’ efforts for addressing and adapting to climate change at national, sub-national and community levels, under the Japan-UNDP Joint Framework for Partnering to Address Climate Change in Africa GoJ(MOFA)/UNDP/GEF GoJ (MOFA): Provide funds of $ 92.1 million as a part of the Japanese “Cool Earth Partnership”
UNDP: Carry out the programme
UNDP/GEF: Provide funds of $ 31 million
● Support an initiative to assist African Human Settlements combating climate change impacts UN-HABITAT UN-HABITAT: Support the initiative ($ 3 million)
● Support African countries’ effort for adapting to climate change at national and community levels GoJ(MOFA)/UNDP GoJ (MOFA): Support the projects through Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund
UNDP: Implement the project ($1 million)
UNDP/GEF/UNV/GoJ UNV Japan Trust Fund: $1,000,000 / UNV Special Voluntary Fund: $552,909

5.  Broadening the Partnership

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF

5-1.Promote South-South Cooperation - Asia-Africa Cooperation, Africa-Africa Cooperation

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[1]Transfer efficiently skill and technique, share knowledge and experience, and promote joint research within Africa and between Asia and Africa. ●Enhance African local NGOs’ (member associations’) understanding about human security concept and its careful application in planning and implemention of activities and broadly share experiences within Africa IPPF Africa Regional Office
IPPF member associations in Africa including Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU); Family Planning Association of Liberia (FPAL); Family Planning Association of Angola (ANGOBEFA); Association de Bien-Etre Familial- Naissances Desirables (ANEF-ND)
Research on human security and reproductive health in Africa

●Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
●MDB projects are to be decided.
●$ = US dollars
●Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
●Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.

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