- 2-1. Community Development
- 2-2. Education
- 2-3. Health
- Consolidation of Peace, Good Governance
- Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues
- Broadening the Partnership
1-1. Infrastructure [ Boosting Economic Growth ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
1-1-5.Promotion of public-private partnership (PPP) in infrastructure
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Others | ●Conduct a feasibility study to implement a project of STEP (Special Terms for Economic Partnership), industrial and logistic infrastructure for enhancing trade and investment with Japan, or participation of private enterprises | GoJ(METI) | GOJ (METI): Project of industrial and logistic infrastructure for global environment adoptation and utilization of Japanese technology |
1-2. Trade,Investment and Tourism [ Boosting Economic Growth ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
1-2-1.Promote and expand trade
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Scale up “Aid for Trade” to increase the global competitiveness of African countries by accelerating assistance including Japan’s “Development Initiative for Trade” and support the early, fair and balanced conclusion of the WTO Doha development Agenda negotiations. [3]Assist product development and export promotion in Africa, by further promoting One Village One Product (OVOP) initiative. |
● Promote “One Village One Product” initiative, based on the “Development Initiative for Trade”, by establishing a new comprehensive framework to improve African products’ market access to Japan by (i) providing consultation on African products, (ii) dispatching experts from Japan to Africa, (iii) inviting African people for marketing research, (iv) holding business seminars, (v) supporting African companies participation in trade fairs in Japan, (vi) implementing Development and Import Schemes to assist Japanese companies in commercializing African products |
GoJ(METI)/JETRO | Expand JETRO budget on the “One Village One Product” (OVOP) initiative |
1-2-2.Encourage foreign investment
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[3]Utilize more effectively official funding sources such as investment credit, trade and investment insurance to enhance PPP and leverage private capital flows to Africa. | ● Enhance Public-Private Partnership to effectively coordinate between official flows and private capitals, to expand good practices of Corporate Social Responsibilities in linking up with official flows | GoJ(METI)/UNIDO-ITPO Tokyo | Delegate programme to promote trade and investment to Africa |
GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(METI)/JICA/JOGMEC/JATA/Private Sector | Dispatch of several Public-Private missions for practioners | ||
[5]Others | ● Start up bilateral consultation frameworks including bilateral legal framework such as Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) for improving business climate | GoJ(MOFA)/GoJ(METI) | Consider BIT negotiations |
● Start up bilateral consultation frameworks including bilateral legal framework such as Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) for improving business climate | Organize Joint Trade Committee(JTC) |
1-2-3.Assist private sector development
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[2]Provide technical support to improve productivity, competitiveness and business expertise in promising industries, taking into account the effectiveness of information and communication technology (ICT). | ● Support African countries to develop intellectual property related systems and human resources in order to achieve self-sustained development of competitive local industries as well as improve the investment climate | GoJ(METI)/WIPO | Offer 1.1million CHF to the WIPO Fund-in-Trust of Japan as voluntary contribution for capacity building per annum from 2008(*) |
[5]Provide technical and financial assistance to promote self-reliant utilization of energy and mineral resources. | ● Provide technical cooperation and financial assistance for promoting energy and mineral resources industries ● Provide cooperation including the field of remote-sensing for mineral resources in Southern African Development Community (SADC) |
GoJ(METI)/JOGMEC | Provide technical assistance and financial supports for oil exploration projects |
● Support for coal exploration and development activies | GoJ(METI)/NEDO |
Prvide for basic information about coal reserve, quality and infrastracture, facilitate future development activies of the Japanese private sector |
4. Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
4-1. Mitigation
4-1. (2)Promotion of the use of clean energy and improvement of energy access
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[1]Support the formulation of policies and plans to expand usage of renewable energy, and assist renewable energy programmes including facilitating transfer of management and maintenance technology. | ● Support the promotion of biofuel production compatible with food security | GoJ(METI)/UNIDO/UNIDO-ITPO Tokyo | Examine the potential of Jatropha(biofuel) production compatible with food security in partnership with private sector |
●Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
●MDB projects are to be decided.
●$ = US dollars
●Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
●Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
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