Economic Diplomacy
Japan and OECD
January 16, 2025
Japan's 60 years with the OECD
Japan's 50 years with the OECD
- Japan's 50 years with the OECD (Video on YouTube)
(May 7, 2014)
- Schedule Plan of Related Events (PDF)
- 50th Anniversary Symposium of Japan's Accession to the OECD Together with Asia, Toward the Future in 50 Years (March 13, 2014)
- "Japan's 50 years with the OECD" (English (PDF)
/ French (PDF)
- Delivery of Recommendations by the Council of Experts Concerning Japan's50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD, to Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida (January 15, 2014)
OECD Ministerial Council Meeting
- OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (6-7, May 2014)
- OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (29-30, May 2013)
- OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (23-24, May 2012)
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister ERI’s attendance at the OECD – Southeast Asia High-Level Panel Discussion in Tokyo (January 16, 2025)
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister HOSAKA Yasushi received a courtesy call by Mr. Charles Rick Johnston, Chair of Business at OECD (BIAC) (March 15, 2024)
- Presentation of the Recommendation by the Japan Business Federation to Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko upon the 60th anniversary of Japan’s accession to the OECD (March 15, 2024)
- Consultation Meeting with BIAC and TUAC for the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2024 (March 14, 2024)
- Meeting between State Minister for Foreign Affairs Tsuji and OECD Secretary-General Cormann (January 11, 2024)
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister Komura taking a photo with Dr. Ingrid Barnsley, Chief of Staff to the OECD Secretary-General (December 6, 2023)
- Meeting between Foreign Minister Kamikawa and OECD Secretary-General Cormann (October 29, 2023)
- Attendance of State Minister Tsuji at the OECD Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum (October 27, 2023)
- Meeting between Foreign Minister Hayashi and OECD Secretary-General Cormann (May 20, 2023)
- Working Lunch between Foreign Minister Hayashi and OECD Secretary-General Cormann (January 24, 2023)
- Courtesy Call on Prime Minister KISHIDA by Mr. Mathias Cormann,Secretary-General of the OECD (January 23, 2023)