Government’s Efforts
SDGs Promotion Headquarters
The SDGs were adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015. After the adoption, the Government of Japan (GOJ) established in May 2016 “SDGs Promotion Headquarters” to effectively achieve the SDGs. “SDGs Promotion Headquarters”, which is headed by Prime Minister , ensures a whole-of-government approach and aims to take a lead in implementing the SDGs both domestically and internationally.
In December 2016, “ SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles” was decided after the “SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting ”, where a wide range of stakeholders (the government, NGO/NPOs, experts, private sectors, international organizations, various organizations, and etc.) got together and exchanged their opinions.
At the 8th Meeting of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters held in December 2019, “SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles” was revised for the first time since its formulation in 2016 and will be planned to revised again in 2023. “SDGs Action Plan 2023” which details various efforts of the Japanese Government was also decided.
- SDGs Promotion Headquarters
- SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles (Revised Version)
- Voluntary National Review (VNR)
- SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
In September 2015, the United Nations established the HLPF (High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development ) as a central platform for follow-up and review of the SDGs in “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The ministerial-level HLPF takes place every year under the auspices of ECOSOC, and every four years under the auspices of the General Assembly at the level of Heads of State and Government (=SDG Summit).All member states in the UN and UN specialized agencies participate in HLPF.
At the SDG Summit held in New York in September 2019, Prime Minister Abe elaborated Japan’s efforts to achieve the SDGs. “Political Declaration” was adopted at the summit, and leaders reaffirmed their commitment to accelerate their efforts for achieving the SDGs.
From the Government of Japan , Foreign Minister Kishida (2013,2017), State Minister of Environment Inoue (2014), Parliamentary Vice Ministers Nakane・Hamachi・Okamoto (2015・2016・2018), Foreign Minister Motegi (2020, 2021, online) and State Minister for Foreign Affairs Takei (2023) attended the forum. *Administrative officer attended in 2019.
In the ministerial-level HLPF, member states are encouraged to conduct Voluntary National Review (regular and inclusive reviews of progress on the SDGs of each country ), and Japan released its report in 2017and 2021
HLPF 2023
HLPF 2021
HLPF 2020
HLPF 2019
HLPF 2018
HLPF 2017
HLPF 2016
Thematic initiatives toward the achievement of the SDGs
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Health
- Human Rights
- Education
- Gender Equality
- Climate Change
- Environment