Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2009
Main Text
Table of Contents
Part I Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Assistance to Developing Countries
Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Assistance to Developing Countries
Chapter 1 Response to the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
- Section 1 Enhancing Assistance for the Growth of Asia
- Section 2 Steady Implementation of Assistance towards the Doubling of ODA to Africa
Chapter 2 Assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Section 1 Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan
- Section 2 Assistance for Pakistan's Efforts to Stabilize the Economy and Eradicate Terrorism
Chapter 3 Environment and Climate Change
Part II Official Development Assistance in FY2008
Chapter 1 Japan's Official Development Assistance in Terms of Disbursement
Chapter 2 Details about Japan's Official Development Assistance
- Section 1 Assistance Relating to the Basic Policies of the ODA
- 1. Official Development Assistance Charter
- 2. Japan's Medium-Term ODA Policy
- 3. Country Assistance Programs
- 4. Sector-Specific Development Policies
- 5. Priority Policy Issues for International Cooperation
- 6. Rolling Plans
- Section 2 Measures for Each of the Priority Issues
- 1. Poverty Reduction
- 2. Sustainable Growth
- 3. Addressing Global Issues
- 4. Peacebuilding
- Section 3 Assistance for Each Region
- Section 4 Operational Status of the Principle of Assistance Implementation
- Section 5 Formulation and Implementation of ODA Policy
- 1. System for Formulation and Implementation of ODA Policy
- (1) Coherent Formulation of Aid Policy
- (2) Collaboration between Related Government Ministries and Agencies
- (3) Collaboration between Government and Implementing Organizations
- (4) Enhancing Policy Consultation
- (5) Enhancing Functions at the Field Level
- (6) Cooperation with Aid-Related Entities within and outside of Japan
- 2. Increasing Public Participation
- 3. Matters Essential to Effective Implementation
- 1. System for Formulation and Implementation of ODA Policy
Main Text | Statictics and Reference Materials | Boxes | Columns | Charts