Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2009
Statistics and Reference Materials
Table of Contents
Part III Statistics and Reference Materials
Chapter 1. Japan's ODA Budget
- Section 1. FY2009 ODA Budget (Original Budget)
- Chart III-1. ODA Budget
- Chart III-2. Trends in Japan's ODA Budget and Other Major Expenditures
- Chart III-3. General Account Budget
- Chart III-4. ODA General Account Budget (for the Entire Government)
- Chart III-5. Breakdown of the ODA Project Budget
- Chart III-6. ODA Project Budget (for the Entire Government)
- Chart III-7. Financial Resources for the ODA Project Budget and Expenditure by Type of Assistance
- Section 2. Project Budget for ODA-related Ministries and Agencies (Original Budget) and Project Outlines
- Chart III-8. ODA Budget Changes for Ministries and Agencies (General Account Budget)
- Chart III-9. ODA Budget Changes for Ministries and Agencies (Project Budget)
- Chart III-10. Project Budget (FY2009 Project Budget) and Project Outlines by Ministry and Agency
Chapter 2. Japan's ODA Disbursements
- Section 1. Flows to Developing Countries
- Chart III-11. Flows from Japan to Developing Countries
- Section 2. Bilateral ODA by Income Groups
- Chart III-12. Bilateral ODA Disbursement by Income Groups (Breakdown by DAC Classification)
- Chart III-13. Comparison of Bilateral ODA with Amount of Assistance and Amount of Grants for LDCs
- Section 3. Disbursements by Country
- Chart III-14. Breakdown of Bilateral ODA by Country and Type
- Chart III-15. Top 30 Recipients of Japan's Bilateral ODA by Type
- Chart III-16. List of Countries in which Japan is their Top Donor
- Chart III-17. Countries and Regions which have received Japan's ODA (disbursements up to FY2008)
- Section 4. Disbursements by Sector
- Chart III-18. Bilateral ODA by Sector Distribution
- Section 5. Disbursement for Overseas Disaster Assistance
- Chart III-19. Emergency Grant Aid Projects (FY2008)
- Chart III-20. Projects for Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2008)
- Chart III-21. Disbursements for Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2008)
Chapter 3. List of Bilateral Assistance Projects
- Section 1. Bilateral Grants
- Chart III-22. List of Grant Aid Projects (grant aid for general projects)
- Section 2. Bilateral Loans
- Chart III-23. Chart III-23. List of Loan Aid Projects
Chapter 4. ODA Disbursements to Multilateral Institutions
- Chart III-24 Trends in ODA Disbursements to Multilateral Institutions
- Chart III-25 Disbursements for Contributions, Subscriptions, etc. to Multilateral Institutions by Major Donor Countries (Top 5 Countries)
Chapter 5. Reference Material on Japan's ODA
- Section 1. Developments in Japan's Assistance to Developing Countries (April 2008 to November 2009)
- Section 2. Japan's Policy on Official Development Assistance
- 1. The ODA Charter (approved by Cabinet decision in August 2003)
- 2. Japan's Medium-Term Policy on Official Development Assistance
- 3. List of Current Sector-Specific Initiatives
- Section 3. List of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)
(Reference) Other Countries' ODA Disbursement
- Section 1. DAC Countries' ODA Disbursements
- Chart III-26 DAC Countries' ODA Disbursements (2008)
- Chart III-27. DAC Countries' ODA by Type (2007)
- Chart III-28. Share of Disbursements by Major DAC Countries by Region (2007)
- Chart III-29. Grant Share of DAC Countries
- Chart III-30. Grant Amounts of DAC Countries
- Chart III-31. Grant Element of DAC Countries
- Chart III-32. Tying Status of Bilateral ODA of DAC Countries
- Chart III-33. Comparison of ODA by Major DAC Countries
- Chart III-34. Sector Distribution of Bilateral ODA by Major DAC Countries (2007)
- Chart III-35. Share of Aid through Multilateral Institutions among ODA Total of Major DAC Countries
- Section 2. The Flow of Financial Resources from DAC Countries to Developing Countries
- Chart III-36. The Flow of Financial Resources from DAC Countries to Developing Countries (2007)
- Chart III-37. Aid Disbursements by NGOs of DAC Countries
- Section 3. DAC List of Aid Recipients (Countries and Regions)
- Chart III-38. DAC List of Aid Recipients (Countries and Regions) for 2008
- Section 4. ODA Disbursements from Non-DAC Donors Countries and Regions
- Chart III-39. ODA Disbursements from Non-DAC Donors Countries and Regions