Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2005
Main Text

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Japan's ODA in Terms of Disbursements

Chapter 2 Details and New Policies about Japan's ODA: Striving for Further ODA Reforms

  1. Section 1. Major Activities in Fiscal Year 2004
    1. 1. Formulation of the New Medium-Term Policy on ODA
    2. 2. Formulation of Sector-specific Initiatives
    3. 3. Assistance in Response to the Major Earthquake off the Coast of Sumatra and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
  2. Section 2. Measures for Each of the Priority Issues
    1. 1. Poverty Reduction
      1. (1) Education
      2. (2) Health and Welfare
      3. (3) Water and Sanitation
      4. (4) Agricultural and Rural Development
    2. 2. Sustainable Growth
      1. (1) Assistance for Economic and Social Infrastructure
      2. (2) Policy Formulation and Institution Building
      3. (3) Human Resources Development
      4. (4) ICT
      5. (5) Streamlining of Trade and Investment
      6. (6) Cooperation with OOF and the Private Sector
      7. (7) Debt-related Efforts
    3. 3. Addressing Global Issues
      1. (1) Environmental Problems
      2. (2) Infectious Diseases
      3. (3) Population
      4. (4) Food
      5. (5) Energy
      6. (6) Disaster Reduction and Post-disaster Reconstruction
      7. (7) Terrorism
      8. (8) Drugs
      9. (9) International Organized Crime
    4. 4. Peace-building
      1. (1) Iraq
      2. (2) Afghanistan
      3. (3) Sudan
      4. (4) Africa (Sub-Sahara)
      5. (5) Mine Clearance and Collection of Small Arms
  3. Section 3. Assistance for Each Region
    1. 1. East Asia
    2. 2. South Asia
    3. 3. Central Asia and the Caucasus
    4. 4. Africa (Sub-Sahara)
    5. 5. Middle East
    6. 6. Latin America and the Caribbean
    7. 7. Oceania
    8. 8. The European Region
  4. Section 4. Operational Status of the Principle of ODA Implementation
    1. 1. Nepal
    2. 2. Sudan
    3. 3. Myanmar
  5. Section 5. Formulation and Implementation of ODA Policy
    1. 1. System for Formulation and Implementation of ODA Policy
      1. (1) Coherent Formulation of ODA Policy
      2. (2) Collaboration among Related Government Ministries and Agencies
      3. (3) Collaboration between Government and Implementing Agencies
      4. (4) Enhancing Policy Consultation
      5. (5) Strengthening Functions at the Field Level
      6. (6) Collaboration with Aid-related Entities Within and Outside of Japan
    2. 2. Increasing Public Participation
      1. (1) Broad Participation by Japanese Citizens from All Walks of Life
      2. (2) Human Resource Development and Development Research
      3. (3) Development Education
      4. (4) Information Disclosure and Public Relations
    3. 3. Matters Essential to Effective Implementation
      1. (1) Enhancement of Evaluation
      2. (2) Ensuring Appropriate Procedures
      3. (3) Prevention of Fraud and Corruption
      4. (4) Ensuring the Safety of ODA Personnel

Chapter 3 Major Documents Concerning Official Development Assistance (ODA)

  1. 1. The ODA Charter (approved by Cabinet decision in August 2003)
  2. 2. Japan's Medium-Term Policy on Official Development Assistance
  3. 3. Japan's Medium-Term Policy on Official Development Assistance (ODA)
  4. 4. List of Country Assistance Programs
  5. 5. Countries with Country-based ODA Task Forces
  6. 6. Sector-Specific Initiatives
    1. (1) Initiative for Disaster Reduction through ODA
    2. (2) Initiative on Gender and Development (GAD)
    3. (3) "Health and Development" Initiative (HDI) - Japan's contribution in achieving the health related MDGs -
  7. 7.History of Japan's Assistance to Developing Countries (1945 to August 2005)