Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2005
Table of Contents
Part I
- Chart I-1. Millennium Development Goals
- Chart I-2. Millennium Development Goals: Status as of 2004 (1)
- Chart I-2. Millennium Development Goals: Status as of 2004 (2)
- Chart I-3. Trends in GDP Per Capita in East Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa
- Chart I-4. Trends in ODA Disbursements of DAC Countries to Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa
- Chart I-5. Flow of funds from DAC Countries and International Organizations to Developing Countries
- Chart I-6. Japan's Disbursements of Financial Aid and Emergency Assistance in the Field of Disaster Prevention and Post-disaster Reconstruction (FY2004)
- Chart I-7. Trends in East Asia's Trade Volume, Trade Volume Ratio to GDP, and Amount of Direct Investment Received
- Chart I-8. Trends in GDP Per Capita in Thailand
- Chart I-9. List of Current Sector-specific Initiatives
- Chart I-10. Current Status of Maternal and Child Health Worldwide
- Chart I-11. Transnational Environmental Issues
- Chart I-12. Contributions in the Water and Sanitation Sector of Donor Countries
- Chart I-13. Percentage of People with Access to Safe Drinking Water (2002)
Part II
- Chart II-1. Japan's ODA Disbursements in 2004
- Chart II-2. Japan's Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Type
- Chart II-3. Japan's Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Region
- Chart II-4. Trends in the ODA Disbursements of Major DAC Countries
- Chart II-5. Trends in Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Region
- Chart II-6. Ratio of ODA Disbursements to GNI in the DAC Countries
- Chart II-7. Per Capita ODA Disbursements in the DAC Countries
- Chart II-8. Trends in Japan's ODA Disbursement and its Ratio to GNI
- Chart II-9. Amount of Japan's Assistance to Least Developed Countries in Japan's Bilateral Assistance
- Chart II-10. Ratio of Grants to LDC in Japan's Bilateral Assistance
- Chart II-11. Trends in Japan's ODA Budget and Other Major Expenditures (Initial Budget Base)
- Chart II-12. Japan's ODA Policy Framework
- Chart II-13. Basic Education in the World (number of out-of-school children and adult literacy rate)
- Chart II-14. Major Examples of Japan's Support in the Basic Education Sector
- Chart II-15. Provisions Made in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sectors by Region
- Chart II-16. Change in the Number of Foreign Students in Japan
- Chart II-17. Implementation Status of the Environmental Conservation Initiative for Sustainable Development (EcolSD) for FY2004
- Chart II-18. Disbursement of the Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative (IDI) (FY2000–2003)
- Chart II-19. Provision Made in Food Aid by Region
- Chart II-20. Financial Assistance in the Field of Disaster Prevention and Post-disaster Reconstruction
- Chart II-21. Japanese Assistance to Iraq Provided through the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI)
- Chart II-22. Japanese Assistance to Iraq
- Chart II-23. Japan's Aid Package for the Consolidation of Peace in Africa (March 2005)
- Chart II-24. Disbursements of the Assistance Related to the Anti-Personnel Landmine Issue
- Chart II-25. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the East Asian Region
- Chart II-26. Trends in Yen Loans to China
- Chart II-27. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the Southwest Asian Region
- Chart II-28. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the Central Asia and the Caucasus Region
- Chart II-29. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the African
- Chart II-30. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the Middle East
- Chart II-31. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the Latin America
- Chart II-32. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the Oceania
- Chart II-33. Japan's Assistance Disbursements in the European Region
- Chart II-34. Various Conferences Held with ODA-related Ministries and Agencies (FY2004)
- Chart II-35. Examples of JICA-JBIC Collaboration (FY2004)
- Chart II-36. Country-based ODA Task Forces
- Chart II-37. NGO-MOFA Regular Meetings Held in FY2004
- Chart II-38. ODA Town Meetings Held in FY2004
Part III
- Chart III-1. Changes in the ODA Budget
- Chart III-2. ODA Budget
- Chart III-3. General Account Budget
- Chart III-4. Breakdown of the ODA Project Budget
- Chart III-5. ODA General Account Budget (for the Entire Government)
- Chart III-6. ODA Project Budget (for the Entire Government)
- Chart III-7. Financial Resources for the ODA Project Budget and Expenditure by Type of Assistance
- Chart III-8. ODA Budget Changes for Ministries and Agencies (General Account Budget)
- Chart III-9. ODA Budget Changes for Ministries and Agencies (Project budget)
- Chart III-10. ODA Disbursements by Type
- Chart III-11. ODA Disbursements and Changes in ODA Disbursements as Percent of GNI
- Chart III-12. Flows from Japan to Developing Countries
- Chart III-13. Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Region
- Chart III-14. Changes in ODA Disbursements by Region
- Chart III-15. Breakdown of Disbursements by Country and Type (1) (Asia and Middle East)
- Chart III-15. Breakdown of Disbursements by Country and Type (2) (Middle East and Africa)
- Chart III-15. Breakdown of Disbursements by Country and Type (3) (Africa and Latin America)
- Chart III-15. Breakdown of Disbursements by Country and Type (4) (Oceania and Europe)
- Chart III-16. The 30 Countries that Receive the Most Bilateral ODA from Japan for Each Type (1) (Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation)
- Chart III-16. The 30 Countries that Receive the Most Bilateral ODA from Japan for Each Type (2) (Loan Aid and Bilateral ODA Total)
- Chart III-16. The 30 Countries that Receive the Most Bilateral ODA from Japan for Each Type (3) (Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation (excluding the debt forgiveness amount))
- Chart III-16. The 30 Countries that Receive the Most Bilateral ODA from Japan for Each Type (4) (Loan Aid and Bilateral ODA Total (excluding the debt forgiveness amount))
- Chart III-17. List of Countries in which Japan is their Largest Donor Country
- Chart III-18. Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Sector
Main Text | Column | Boxes | Statistical Appendix | Chart