Official Development Assistance (ODA)


August 11, 2020

Facts & Figures: Gender

International Comparison (Calendar Year)

ODA Commitments of Major Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Countries: Top Five Countries and EU: 2014-2018

Country 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
EU 2,948 6,977 9,778 10,690 10,420 40,813
Japan 3,179 7,221 6,284 5,999 11,155 33,839
Germany 5,943 5,666 6,281 6,897 7,522 32,310
United States 5,802 5,153 6,582 5,737 5,622 28,896
United Kingdom 2,232 2,126 3,038 3,097 3,047 13,541
Sweden 2,395 1,502 1,798 2,215 2,917 10,827
Other Countries 11,244 10,559 10,348 11,732 12,460 56,344
Total 33,744 39,205 44,109 46,367 53,143 216,568
Unit: US$ million (Commitments basis), excluding assistance for graduated countries
Source: DAC Statistics on OECD.STAT (as of April 2020)
Based on data on commitments made with gender equality as a primary or important purpose
Note: Including commitments by the EU

Trends in ODA Commitments of Major DAC Countries: Top Five Countries and EU: 2014-2018

(photo1) 03_image01.png
Unit: US$ million (Commitments basis), excluding assistance for graduated countries
Source: DAC Statistics on OECD.STAT (as of April 2020)
Based on data on commitments made with gender equality as a primary or important purpose
Note: Including commitments by the EU

ODA Commitments Ratio of Major DAC Countries: Top Five Countries and EU: 2014-2018

(photo2) 03_image02.png
Unit: US$ million (Commitments basis), excluding assistance for graduated countries
Source: DAC Statistics on OECD.STAT (as of April 2020)
Based on data on commitments made with gender equality as a primary or important purpose
Note: Including commitments by the EU

Japan's ODA Commitments by Category: Total for 2014-2018

(photo3) 03_image03.png
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Education 114.51 35.18 57.26 136.66 41.76 385.37
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 268.59 341.56 278.49 1694.75 829.29 3412.68
Health 145.56 454.38 397.38 21.13 200.72 1219.17
Multi-Sector 534.26 506.29 12.71 240.25 16.31 1309.82
Other 2120.48 5887.53 5538.87 4191.51 10367.34 28105.72
Total 3183.39 7224.95 6284.71 6284.29 11455.42 34432.76
Unit: US$ million (Commitments basis), including assistance for graduated countries
This data is based on the classification of the DAC_CRS statistics
Based on data on commitments made with gender equality as a primary or important purpose
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