Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment
August 11, 2020
Sectoral Evaluation
- Evaluation of WID Initiative - Final Report (2003, MOFA)
- Evaluation of the Gender Equality Policy and Institutional Support (2012, MOFA)
- Evaluation of Japan's ODA toward Women's Empowerment (Third-Party Evaluation) (Summary [PDF]
/ Evaluation Report [PDF]
/ Supplementary Document [PDF]
Reference Materials
- Gender Handbook (MOFA FY 2013 NGO Study Group "Gender and NGOs")
- Brochure: Gender Mainstreaming in ODA (Japanese [PDF]
/ English [PDF]
- Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2014: "Creating a society in which all women shine"
- White Paper on Development Cooperation 2016 ODA Topics 3. Towards the Realization of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment