TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report DIGEST 2009

SectorsImplementing PartnersCountriesReporting Years

EU: “Global Climate Change Alliance”(*)

Yokohama Action Plan
[1]Support active participation by African countries in developing an effective framework beyond 2012 on climate change, in which all countries take actions and 18 work together, based on the Bali Action Plan.
Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners
● Support active participation by African countries in the UNFCCC process to formulate an effective post-2012 framework, in which all major emitting countries take actions and work together, based on the Bali Action Plan
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions
EU: “Global Climate Change Alliance”(*)
Implementing Partners
Related Links
GoJ: Support by “Cool Earth Partnership”(*)

(*)“Cool Earth Partnership” is composed of a total of $10 billion to be disbursed globally over five years starting from 2008.

Current Status of Implementation 2009

ACP and ASEM including Africa
(i)The GCCA will be financed chiefly through the “Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy” thematic programme, for which an additional €50 million have been allocated for the 2008-2010 period. Moreover, the following will be available; resources earmarked under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), i.e. the national and regional envelopes that can contribute to the GCCA, and about €200 million under the intra-ACP programme in the area of climate change, the environment and disaster risk prevention.
(ii) the following was done; selection of new countries and preparation of programmes of activities.
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Current Status of Implementation 2008

(i) Tanzania was selected as one of the pilot countries in 2008 ; programmes under identification for implementation starting end 2009/2010.
(ii) Agreements signed with Sweden, in preparation with Czeck Republic for additionnal funds.
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