- 2-1. Community Development
- 2-2. Education
- 2-3. Health
- Consolidation of Peace, Good Governance
- Addressing Environmental/Climate Change issues
- Broadening the Partnership
2-3. Health [ Achieving MDGs-- Economic and Social dimension of human security ]
Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF)
2-3-3.Measures against infectious diseases
Yokohama Action Plan | Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners | Implementing Partners |
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary) |
[6]Make efforts to control or eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases through awareness raising, treatment and access to safe water and sanitation. | ● Strengthen control and elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), through greater access to rapid impact interventions and opitimal use of resources through integrated vector management | GoJ(MHLW)/GoJ(MOFA)/JICA | GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of ¥43 billion mentioned above(*) |
GoJ (MHLW): Planning FY 2009 to increase/provide budget to WHO |
●Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
●MDB projects are to be decided.
●$ = US dollars
●Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
●Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
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