Press Releases
Initiatives on Commemorating the Achievements of the Late Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr. Yukiya Amano
1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan will launch initiatives that commemorate the achievements of the late Director General of the IAEA, Mr. Yukiya Amano.
2. The Government of Japan has decided to allocate 1 million euros to help completing the renovation project of the IAEA nuclear applications laboratories in Seibersdorf (Austria) as a symbol of "Atoms for Peace and Development” that Mr Amano had advocated.
3. Japan will also strengthen human resource development specialising in disarmament and non-proliferation fields like the late Director General Amano.
4. As for Seibersdorf laboratories, some countries have been coordinating to honour his role in the IAEA and to rename one of the Seibersdorf Laboratories as “The Yukiya Amano Laboratories”. Furthermore, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) is considering to establish a scholarship program honoring the late Director General Amano.
5. Japan welcomes financial contributions made by many countries for the renovation of the Seibersdorf Laboratories. Japan sincerely hopes that Mr. Amano’s vision and achievements will be passed down for generations that will promote international peace and stability through these initiatives.