Press Releases

The notification of ratification by Japan and application pending entry into force of
the Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA)

December 21, 2018

1. Today, in Brussels (Belgium), the Government of Japan notified the European Union (EU) of Japan’s completion of ratification of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Its Member States, of the One Part, and Japan, of the Other Part (the Japan-EU SPA) (PDF)Open a New Window.

2. While the conclusions by the EU and its Member States are required for the entry into force of the Japan-EU SPA, in accordance with the Agreement, Japan and the EU shall apply some provisions of the Agreement pending its entry into force. As the EU has already notified Japan of the completion of the applicable legal procedure necessary for the application pending into force, with the notification by Japan, the application of some provisions of the Agreement pending its entry into force will commence on February 1, 2019.

3. The Japan-EU SPA will further promote the cooperation on issues of common interest in a wide range of areas between Japan and the EU as well as its Member States, which share common values and principles, such as democracy, the rules of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and will serve as a legal basis for strengthening the strategic partnership between Japan and the EU as well as its Member States in the future.

4. The conclusion of Japan-EU SPA will contribute to the further close relationship between Japan and the EU as well as its Member States.

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