Diplomatic Bluebook
Diplomatic Bluebook 2018

Message from the Minister for Foreign Affairs
- CHAPTER 1 International Situation and Japan's Diplomacy in 2017
- CHAPTER 2 Japan's Foreign Policy that Takes a Panoramic Perspective of the World Map
- CHAPTER 3 Japan's Foreign Policy to Promote National and Worldwide Interests
- CHAPTER 4 Japan's Diplomacy Open to the Public
Photo Index
Preface to the Diplomatic Bluebook 2018
Section 3 Latin America and the Caribbean
1 Regional Situations in Europe
2 Collaboration with European Regional Institutions, and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
Section 5 Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus
Section 6 The Middle East and North Africa
1 Situation in Middle East Region
2 The Situation in the North Africa Region (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania)
Section 1 Efforts for Peace and Stability of Japan and the International Community
1 National Security Initiatives
2 Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements
Cooperation in Peacekeeping Operations (PKO)
Conclusion of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)
4 Disarmament and Non-proliferation and the Peceful uses of Nuclear Energy
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Views of the Government of Japan
Participating in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference Additional Protocol Side Event
5 Japan’s Efforts at the United Nations (UN)
Summary of Japan’s Contribution during its 11th Term as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council
Japan-China-ROK Youth Exchange
Section 2 Japan’s International Cooperation (Development Cooperation and Response to Global Issues)
1 Rule-Making to Bolster Free and Open Global Economic Systems
3 Promoting Resource Diplomacy along with Foreign Direct Investment in Japan
Section 4 Efforts to Promote Understanding and Trust in Japan
Section 1 Japanese Society and People Deepening Their Ties with the World
1 Linking the Energy of Foreign Nationals to the Growth of Japan
2 Japanese Taking Active Roles in the International Community
The Voices and People Who Have Supported the United Nations What is a UN Resident Coordinator?
The Voices and People Who Have Supported the United Nations Towards the Comprehensive Reforms of the United Nations in an Increasingly Complex World
Things Look Different from a Different Standpoint
Delivering the Benefits of Information and Communications Technology to the World
JICA Volunteers’ Activities from the Front Lines - Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) Nutritionists Playing an Active Role in Fiji -
Section 2 Supporting Japanese Nationals Overseas
1 Overseas Risks and Safety of Japanese Nationals
2 Consular Service and Assistance for Japanese Living Overseas
3 Cooperation with Emigrants and Japanese Descendants, Nikkei