Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019
2019 marks the tenth anniversary since Japan and the Mekong region countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) declared 2009 as "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year". We will set 2019 as "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019" to further deepen the efforts of Mekong-Japan exchanges.
Through "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019", we will choose a logo design to add momentum to exchanges between both sides. In addition, political, economic and cultural exchange events will be held in Japan and the Mekong region countries.
Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019 starts from 1 January and continue until 31 December 2019.
The official logo for "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019" has been selected. Please see the following for the details.
For the success of the "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year 2019", we believe it is important to cooperate with various organizations, companies, NGOs, NPOs, local governments, universities and others. Regarding events to be held in Japan or Mekong region countries during the exchange year, we will endorse them as the Mekong-Japan Exchange Year events and allow use of the logo, then we will post them in the event calendar of this page.
Mekong-Japan Exchange Year Secretariat (First Southeast Asia Division, Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Address: 2-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8919
Fax: 03-5501-8262