The Japan Foundation Fellowship programs give scholars, researchers, and professionals the opportunity to conduct research in Japan. The Japan Foundation gives preference to relatively junior applicants and to those who have not had research opportunities in Japan within the last three years. (Applications from former Japan Foundation fellowship grantees who have been awarded two or more Professional and/or Dissertation Fellowships will be given particularly rigorous examination.)
The Japan Foundation Fellowships fall into four categories of specialization: Scholars and Researchers (2 to 12 months); Doctoral Candidates (4 to 14 months); Artists (2 to 6 months); and Cultural Properties Specialists (2 to 6 months)
Scholars. Researchers and Doctoral Candidates must follow the November I application procedure. Artists and Cultural Properties Specialists must follow the DECEMBER I application procedure (see page 14).


Research Fellowships are intended professionals who wish to conduct for scholars, researchers, and research in Japan for periods ranging from 2 to 12 months. All projects related substantially to Japan in the humanities and social sciences, including comparative research, are eligible. Approximately 15 Research Fellowships will be awarded in the United States for 1996-97, subject to budgetary considerations.


Scholars should hold an academic position in a research institution and have substantial experience in research, teaching, and writing in their respective fields of study. Applications from researchers and professionals with equivalent research or analytical experience are also eligible. Three letters of reference must accompany all applications.


Doctoral Fellowships give doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in other disciplines who are conducting comparative research projects, the opportunity to conduct research in Japan. Approximately 15 Doctoral Fellowships for periods ranging from 4 to 14 months are available for the 1996-97 grant year.


Applicants must have completed all academic requirements except the dissertation when they begin the fellowship and are expected to have sufficient proficiency in the Japanese language to pursue their research in Japan. Higher priority will be given to applicants who expect to submit their dissertation shortly after the completion of their fellowship. Three letters of reference, an evaluation of Japanese-language ability, and academic transcripts must accompany all applications.

* Those pursuing academic degrees at the time of application will not be accepted unless their dissertation has been successfully defended prior to the time of application.

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