Promote science and technology cooperation between Japan and developing countries incl. Africa
- Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners
- ● Dispatch the Japanese researchers to universities/research institutions in African countries and implement joint research with young local researchers in order to resolve the global issues facing African countries
● Based on the needs of developing countries, promotion of international joint research targeting global issues such as environment and energy, natural disaster prevention and infectious diseases control and envisaging future utilization of research outcomes
- Potential Resources, Possible Contributions
- MOFA/MEXT/JICA/JST:Promote science and technology cooperation between Japan and developing countries including African countries in the field of such as environment, natural disaster prevention and infectious diseases control by coordination with Japanese superior science and technology and ODA.
Current Status of Implementation 2009
- Project Title
- The projects for “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Developent”
- Country
- South Africa/Sudan/Tunisia/Burkina Faso/Ghana
- Status
- Started in fiscal year 2009.
(i) South Africa: Prediction of Climate Variations and its Application in the Southern African Region (3 years)
(ii) Sudan: Improvement of Food Security in Semi-arid Regions of Sudan through Management of Root Parasitic Weeds (5 years)
(iii) Tunisia: Valorization of Bio-resources in Semi Arid and Arid Land for Regional Development (5 years)
(iv) Burkina Faso: Improving Sustainable Water and Sanitation Systems in Sahel Region in Africa: Case of Burkina Faso (5 years)
(v) South Africa: Observational Studies in South African Mines to Mitigates Seismic Risks (5 years)
(vi) Ghana: Studies of Anti-viral and Anti-parasitic Compounds from Selected Ghanaian Medicinal Plants (5 years)
- More information
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- Budget
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Current Status of Implementation 2008
- Project Title
- The projects for “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Developent”
- Status
- Started in fiscal year 2008.
(i) Egypt: Sustainable Systems for Food and Bio-energy Production under Water-saving Irrigation in the Egyptian Nile Basin (5 years)
(ii) Gabon: Conservation of Biodiversity in Tropical Forest Through Sustainable Coexistence between Human and Wild Animals (5 years)
(iii) Zambia: Establishment of Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Tuberculosis and Trypanosomiasis and Screening of Candidate Compounds for Trypanosomiasis (4 years)
- More information
- Budget
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