TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report DIGEST 2009
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Horn of Africa

3.  Consolidation of Peace, Good Governance

Annual Progress Report 2008(HTML) 2009(PDF) PDF

3-3.Restoration and maintenance of security

Yokohama Action Plan Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners Implementing
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions (Summary)
[1]Enhance capacity of military, police, and civilians in African countries engaging in peacekeeping operations and peacebuilding. ● Capacity enhancement of Aafrican peacekeepers GoJ/IMO GoJ:Financial contribution from 2009 Supplementary budget

●Concrete projects will be selected through consultations between Japan/Implementing Partners and African countries.
●MDB projects are to be decided.
●$ = US dollars
●Assistance measures written on a yellow ground are those embodied in 2008 (JFY) after TICAD IV.
●Assistance measures written on a pink ground are those embodied in 2009 (JFY) after TICAD IV.

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