Press Releases

Courtesy call on State Minister for Foreign Affairs FUJII by Ms. Kirsi Madi, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women

February 4, 2025
State Minister for Foreign Affairs FUJII shakes hands with Ms. Kirsi Madi, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women
Photo of the meeting

On February 4, commencing at 10:20 for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. FUJII Hisayuki, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, received a courtesy call from Ms. Kirsi Madi, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women.
A summary of the conversation is as follows.

  1. At the outset, State Minister Fujii welcomed Deputy Executive Director Madi's visit to Japan while expressing his pleasure of Japan's co-chair with Norway for the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adaptation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1325. and introduced Japan's efforts in WPS, including its emphasis on supporting disaster risk reduction and women’s empowerment based on the WPS perspective in various parts of the world.
  2. State Minister Fujii then appreciated the partnership with UN Women such as through the formulation of action plans in the Asia-Pacific region, and expressed Japan’s intention for continued support for gender mainstreaming including WPS.
  3. State Minister Fujii and Deputy Executive Director Madi engaged in a lively exchange of views on Japan's efforts to promote women's participation and various issues in the international community, and both parties concurred to further promote efforts toward gender equality, including the promotion of WPS, in the future.
(Reference) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS)

In 2000, for the first time in its history, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted "Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Resolution 1325," which clearly stated that international peace, conflict prevention, and conflict resolution require the equal participation of women, protection from sexual violence in conflict, and gender equality. To implement this and subsequent resolutions, Japan formulated the first national action plan in 2015, followed by the second one in 2019, and the third one in 2023.

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