Press Releases

Release of IAEA report regarding Marine Monitoring

December 12, 2023

After the accident of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been conducting Marine Monitoring: Confidence Building and Data Quality Assurance since 2014 to ensure the credibility and transparency of Sea Area Monitoring data.

The IAEA and Japan organized a joint sampling to collect sea water, sediment and fish samples and compared analysis results among IAEA, Japanese laboratories and third-country laboratories from Finland and the Republic of Korea, as Interlaboratory Comparisons (ILCs)1 in 2022.

On 11 December, the IAEA released a report on the results of the ILCs stating that Japan's sample collection procedures were appropriate and that a continued high level of accuracy and competence on the part of Japanese laboratories involved in the analyses of radionuclides in marine samples as part of the Sea Area Monitoring was demonstrated.

IAEA Marine Monitoring will be continued in the future.

1 ILC is a test to check if laboratories’ analytical methods and analysis results for radionuclides are appropriate, by confirming analytical methods and comparing analysis results between laboratories, using the identical samples during all the process from sampling to analysis.


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