Press Releases

Second Meeting of the Council on Safety Measures for International Cooperation Projects

July 19, 2016
Second Meeting of the Council on Safety Measures for International Cooperation Projects

1. The Second Meeting of the Council on Safety Measures for International Cooperation Projects took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on July 19.

2. Attendees at the meeting were Mr. Seiji Kihara, Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Shinichi Kitaoka, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and representatives from relevant ministries and agencies. The following business people and NGO representatives related to international cooperation projects also attended, and the participants exchanged views on safety measures for people involved in projects from perspectives on the ground.

Yasuhiro Okuda : Executive Officer and General Manager, Security Management Office, JGC Corporation (Keidanren)
Hisashi Takanashi : Executive Managing Director, Chief Consultant, Engineering and Consulting Firms Association, Japan (ECFA)
Hiroshi Taniyama : Chairperson, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
Shoko Hashimoto : Director and Vice Chairperson of NGO Unit, Japan Platform (JPF)
Namio Matsui : Advisor, The Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. (OCAJI)
One individual from Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (Mitsubishi Corporation)

3. The Council decided to establish an Advisory Council of external experts and others at the First Meeting held on July 12, and the Secretariat reported that the people listed on the attached page (PDF)Open a New Window accepted serving as the members of the Advisory Council.

4. Finally, the Council decided to obtain opinions from experts on regional situations and crisis management at the next meeting, and confirmed the plan to continue steady work toward formulating new safety measures, which are to be announced by the end of August.

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