Press Releases

Statement by Foreign Press Secretary Yasuhisa Kawamura on the Entry into Force of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage

April 15, 2015

1. The Government of Japan welcomes the entry into force of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) on April 15 as an important step to strengthen the global nuclear liability regime.

2. Japan is sharing experiences and the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011 with the international community and undertaking various efforts to strengthen international nuclear safety. Japan also concluded the CSC on January 15 this year in order to contribute to strengthening of the global nuclear liability regime. As a result of Japan’s conclusion of the CSC, the conditions for the CSC to enter into force (see Note) were satisfied and it enters into force today.

3. Japan will call on countries, including its neighboring countries, to conclude the CSC with a view to strengthening the global nuclear liability regime, whose importance has been repeatedly confirmed in the international arena, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Action Plan on Nuclear Safety.

The CSC comes into force when the number of Contracting Parties reaches five or more and their installed nuclear capacity exceeds 400,000 MWt. As the amount of the installed nuclear capacity of the five Contracting Parties (Argentina, Morocco, Rumania, the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America) that have concluded the CSC before the conclusion by Japan is around 300,000 MWt and Japan’s installed nuclear capacity is around 140,000 MWt, the conditions of the entry into force of the CSC are satisfied with Japan’s conclusion.

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