Press Releases

Delivery of Recommendations by the Council of Experts Concerning Japan’s 50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD, to Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida

January 15, 2014

Delivery of Recommendations by the Council of Experts Concerning Japan’s 50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD, to Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida.

1. On January 15, Recommendations entitled “Utilization of Membership in Japan’s 50th Anniversary Year in the OECD” (summary and text attached) was delivered to Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida by Mr. Kazumasa Iwata (President of the Japan Center for Economic Research), Chairman of the Council of Experts Concerning Japan’s 50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD on their behalf.

2. The Council held four meetings between September and December last year under Chairman Iwata to gather suggestions from experts, as Japan commemorates 50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD this year and it will serve as the Chair of the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting scheduled to be held in Paris in May this year. Based on discussions at the meetings, the Council compiled the Recommendations, focusing on economic and social resilience, as well as on the strengthening of the relationship between the OECD and Asia (particularly Southeast Asia), both of which Japan will take up as key themes at this year’s OECD Ministerial Council Meeting.

3. Upon receiving the Recommendations, Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the contributions made by each of the experts. He stated that the Government of Japan intends to utilize the Recommendations to lead the discussions at this year’s Ministerial Council Meeting as the Chair, and utilizes opportunities such as a symposium commemorating Japan’s 50th Anniversary as a Member of the OECD that is scheduled to be held in April to broadly disseminate OECD contributions domestically and overseas.

(* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of issue of the original press release in Japanese.)
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