Press Releases

Publication of the IAEA's Report on Safety Review of the Handling of ALPS Treated Water
at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

April 29, 2022
  1. On April 29th, IAEA published a report on Safety Review on the ALPS treated water which was conducted in February 2022, following the Terms of Reference (TOR) on Reviews of Safety Aspects of Handling ALPS Treated Water at TEPCO’s FDNPS which was signed in July 2021.
  2. The report describes the IAEA's review related to eight different technical areas, including the characterization of discharge and source term, the safety-related aspects of system and processes for controlling discharges, and the radiological environmental impact assessment.
  3. The Government of Japan will continue its cooperation with the IAEA to ensure safety of the ALPS treated water as well as confidence and transparency of its handling. It will continue its efforts to promote the understanding regarding the handling of ALPS treated water in the international community.

[Reference 1] ALPS treated water is water which is processed by devices such as ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to ensure that the radioactive materials other than tritium surely meets the regulatory standards for safety. In addition, it is planned that ALPS treated water will then be sufficiently diluted before the discharges.

[Reference 2] IAEA press release Open A New Window

[Reference 3] METI press release Open A New Window

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