Press Releases
Entry into Force of the Protocol Amending the Special Measures Agreement (SMA)
March 31, 2021
- The Protocol Amending the Special Measures Agreement entered into force on March 31st, 2021, after diplomatic notes indicating the approval in accordance with the respective internal legal procedures were exchanged between Japan and the United States of America. As a result, the effective period of the current SMA was extended by one year until March 31st, 2022.
- Given the security environment surrounding Japan which has become increasingly severe, Host Nation Support plays a vital role in sustaining a smooth and effective operation of United States Armed Forces, Japan as well as maintaining and strengthening the Japan-US Alliance.
(Reference) Outline of Japan's contribution under the current SMA extended by the Protocol
- Effective Period: Extend the current SMA, which entered into force on April 1, 2016 by one year (until JFY 2021)
- Labor Costs: The upper limit of the number of workers funded by the GOJ will remain unchanged at 23, 178.
- Utilities Costs: The percentage of the annual utilities costs funded by the GOJ will remain unchanged at 61%. The upper limit of the annual utilities costs funded by the GOJ will remain unchanged at approximately JPY 24.9 billion.
- Training Relocation Costs: Remain unchanged.