Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 31, 2014
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia Cambodia The Project for Expansion of National Maternal and Child Health Center March 26, 2014 11.93
Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
March 12, 2014 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Sihanouk Province Referral Hospital (additional aid *4) December 15, 2013 (2.33 *4)
The Project for Improvement of the National Road No.1 December 15, 2013 15.85
Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
November 26, 2013 2.70
The Programme for Integrated Mine Clearance and Landmine Victim Assistance (Phase II) October 30, 2013 8.98
The Project for Expansion of Water Supply Systems in Kampong Cham and Battambang June 5, 2013 33.55
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 5, 2013 2.58
Indonesia Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese Next Generation Eco-Friendly Vehicles April 30, 2013 15.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese Medical Equipment April 30, 2013 5.50
Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products April 30, 2013 3.00
Laos Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
March 12, 2014 3.00
The Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Environmentally Sustainable Cities March 4, 2014 13.84
The Project for Improving Secondary School Environment in the Southern Provinces March 4, 2014 10.69
The Project for Improvement of Equipment and Facilities on Meteorological and Hydrological Services March 4, 2014 5.84
The Project for Acceleration of UXO Clearance for Rural Development and Poverty Eradication December 15, 2013 8.64
The Project for Construction of Sekong Bridge on NR16B in the Southern Region of Laos (Detailed Design) December 15, 2013 0.84
Thakhek Water Supply Development Project May 23, 2013 16.43
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 23, 2013 2.50
Mongolia Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Medical Equipment and Welfare Apparatus Package) March 11, 2014 7.50
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products January 15, 2014 3.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 28, 2013 2.36
Myanmar The Project for Installation of Operation Control Center System and Safety Equipment March 24, 2014 40.00
The Project for Improving Loikaw General Hospital in Kayah State March 24, 2014 19.45
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 24, 2014 2.30
The Programme for Emergency Food Assistance to Displaced Persons in Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan States (through WFP) March 24, 2014 10.00
The Programme for Emergency Assistance to Displaced Children in Kachin and Rakhine (through UNICEF) March 24, 2014 3.00
The Programme for Assistance to Displaced Persons in South-East of Myanmar, Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan States (through UNHCR) March 24, 2014 3.00
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in General Hospitals in Yangon February 20, 2014 9.78
The Project for Improvement of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Rakhine Sate February 20, 2014 7.38
The Project for Development of ICT System for Central Banking October 25, 2013 51.00
The Project for Establishment of Disastrous Weather Monitoring System (Phase II) October 25, 2013 2.31
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply System in Yangon City May 26, 2013 19.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 26, 2013 4.56
Philippines The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Metropolitan Cebu Water District March 25, 2014 11.65
The Project for Enhancement of Coastal Communications Systems March 25, 2014 11.52
The Programme for Rehabilitation and Recovery from Typhoon Yolanda March 25, 2014 46.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Next-Generation Vehicle Package) March 12, 2014 5.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 19, 2013 2.63
Timor-Leste The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Buluto Irrigation Scheme December 6, 2013 14.99
The Project of Effective and Accessible Justice System, Social Dialogue and Policing Services for Peacebuilding (through UNDP) November 4, 2013 2.63
The Project of River Training for the Protection of Mola Bridge August 15, 2013 11.08
Viet Nam Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Next-Generation Vehicle Package) March 14, 2014 5.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 18, 2013 3.24
South Asia Bangladesh The Project for Improvement of Airport Safety and Security Systems March 31, 2014 24.02
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy November 28, 2013 5.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 27, 2013 1.80
Bhutan The Project for the Rehabilitation of Taklai Irrigation System in Sarpang District June 27, 2013 10.51
India The Project for Improvement of the Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Chennai January 25, 2014 14.95
Maldives Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products December 18, 2013 2.00
Nepal The Project for Assistance to the Constituent Assembly Election July 24, 2013 1.49
Pakistan Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Next-Generation Vehicle Package) March 20, 2014 5.00
The Project for the Control and Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) March 7, 2014 3.89
The Project for Upgrading Primary Girls Schools into Elementary Schools in Southern Rural Sindh February 11, 2014 8.08
The Project for Improvement of Airport Security October 31, 2013 19.46
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese Medical Equipment April 30, 2013 6.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products April 30, 2013 2.00
Sri Lanka Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
March 12, 2014 1.60
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Medical Equipment and Welfare Apparatus Package) March 11, 2014 5.00
The Project for Rehabilitation of Community Infrastructure and Facilities, Improvement of Livelihoods and Empowerment of Women in the Northern and Eastern Provinces (through UN-Habitat) March 11, 2014 3.77
Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products December 19, 2013 4.00
Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
November 26, 2013 2.20
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 5, 2013 1.92
Central Asia and the Caucasus Kyrgyz, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan The Project for Establishment of Border Liaison Offices in Central Asia (through UNODC) October 22, 2013 1.41
Azerbaijan The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Amelioration and Irrigation (Phase 2) April 17, 2013 7.77
Georgia Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products January 20, 2014 2.00
Kyrgyz The Project for Reconstruction of Kok-Art River Bridge on the Bishkek-Osh Road July 11, 2013 11.96
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 11, 2013 2.12
Tajikistan The Project for Rehabilitation of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Pyanj District, Khatlon Region (Detailed Design) January 28, 2014 0.42
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 31, 2013 1.00
Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 26, 2013 2.04
(Central Asia and the Caucasus, Middle East and North Africa) Tajikistan and Afghanistan The Project for Livelihood Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-Border Areas (through UNDP) March 19, 2014 11.29
Middle East and North Africa Afghanistan The Project for Strengthening the Capacity of Afghanistan's National Police Force and Other Legal Actors towards Combating Violence against Women and Girls (through UNFPA) March 12, 2014 2.32
The Project for Supporting the Improvement of Airport Maintenance Capacity March 10, 2014 9.68
Non-Project Grant Aid March 10, 2014 28.00
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) February 9, 2014 11.86
The Project for Strengthening Security in Kabul International Airport February 4, 2014 44.27
The Project for Assistance to Presidential and Provincial Council Elections (through UNDP) November 12, 2013 16.39
The Program for Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan (Phase 3) (through UNESCO) October 22, 2013 20.20
The Program for Literacy for Empowering Afghan Police (Phase 2) (through UNESCO) October 1, 2013 3.03
Algeria The Project for Strengthening Security Legislation Against Terrorism (through UNODC) November 4, 2013 0.58
Jordan The Programme for Urgent Improvement of Water Sector for the Host Communities of Syrian Refugees in Northern Governorates March 13, 2014 25.10
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Medical Equipment and Welfare Apparatus Package) March 13, 2014 7.50
Palestine Food Assistance (through WFP) November 21, 2013 3.40
Food Assistance (through UNRWA) November 11, 2013 6.30
Non-Project Grant Aid July 24, 2013 8.00
Tunisia The Project for Desalination of Groundwater in Southern Region (additional aid *10) March 18, 2014 (0.23 *10)
The Project for Supporting the Development of the Crisis Management System (through UNDP) July 9, 2013 2.54
Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products May 2, 2013 3.00
Yemen Food Assistance (through WFP) November 26, 2013 4.60
Sub-Saharan Africa Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal The Project for Strengthening Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Capacities in the Sahel Region (through UNODC) July 15, 2013 6.42
Benin Food Assistance November 29, 2013 4.30
Burkina Faso Food Assistance November 26, 2013 5.10
Projet de l'Approvisionnement en eau potable dans le Plateau Central et le Centre Sud (Phase 2) November 13, 2013 9.68
The Project for Supporting the Consolidation of the Rule of Law and Access to Justice for the Poor Population (through UNDP) July 11, 2013 2.83
Cameroon The Project for Improvement of Water Supply and Hygiene in the Diamare and Mayo Kani Subdivision of the Far North Region (through UNICEF) March 31, 2014 3.74
Chad Food Assistance (through WFP) June 27, 2013 3.30
Comoros Food Assistance December 16, 2013 2.70
Congo, Democratic Republic of Food Assistance December 23, 2013 7.80
Non-Project Grant Aid July 22, 2013 6.00
Congo, Republic of Food Assistance (through WFP) August 20, 2013 2.70
Côte d'Ivoire Food Assistance December 19, 2013 6.30
The Project for Rehabilitation and Restoration of Forests with the Involvement of Local Communities (through ITTO) May 14, 2013 1.83
Djibouti The Project for the Construction of Patrol Vessels for Enhancing the Ability to Secure Maritime Safety and Security March 30, 2014 9.24
Food Assistance November 27, 2013 2.40
Ethiopia The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase IV (II/II) June 10, 2013 75.21
The Project for Water Supply to Small Cities in Southern Part of Amhara Regional State June 10, 2013 6.33
Gambia Food Assistance (through WFP) June 27, 2013 3.60
Ghana The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 12, 2013 1.20
The Project for Improvement of Power Distribution System May 6, 2013 16.86
Guinea Projet d'aménagement d'un pont sur la route nationale N°1 June 12, 2013 12.54
Guinea-Bissau Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
March 12, 2014 1.40
Food Assistance (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
November 26, 2013 2.10
Kenya The Project for Rural Water Supply in Baringo County July 10, 2013 10.42
The Project for Augmentation of Water Supply System in Narok July 10, 2013 13.22
Lesotho Food Assistance (through WFP) June 27, 2013 1.90
Liberia Food Assistance November 19, 2013 5.10
The Project for Reconstruction of Somalia Drive in Monrovia June 10, 2013 49.39
Malawi The Project for Reconstruction and Expansion of Selected Community Day Secondary Schools and Conventional Secondary Schools (Phase III) March 17, 2014 17.56
The Project for Expansion of Tedzani Electricity Hydropower Station (Detailed Design) March 17, 2014 1.01
The Project for Improvement of Blantyre City Roads (Phase III) December 13, 2013 6.02
The Project for Construction of a Teacher Training College for Secondary School Teachers in Lilongwe (additional aid *3) December 13, 2013 (2.09 *3)
The Project for Construction of a Teacher Training College for Secondary School Teachers in Lilongwe May 16, 2013 11.18
Mali Food Assistance (through WFP) August 20, 2013 4.80
Mauritania Food Assistance January 23, 2014 5.20
The Project for Consolidation of Peace, Security and Justice (through UNDP) June 27, 2013 2.83
The Project for the Expansion of Fishing Port in Nouadhibou May 26, 2013 11.17
Mauritius The Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System (additional aid *6) December 13, 2013 (0.71 *6)
The Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System June 10, 2013 10.79
Mozambique The Project for Construction of Health Science Institute in Maputo (Detailed Design) January 12, 2014 0.84
The Project for Urgent Rehabilitation of Nacala Port (additional aid *2) October 30, 2013 (5.34 *2)
Projecto de Construção de Pontes entre a Estrada Ile e Cuamba June 14, 2013 38.05
The Project for the Construction of Monapo Primary Teacher Training Institute in Nampula Province April 26, 2013 10.24
Niger Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers November 19, 2013 3.80
Projet de Construction des Etablissements d'Enseignement Secondaire au Nijer November 19, 2013 12.23
Rwanda Non-Project Grant Aid July 24, 2013 3.00
Saõ Tomé and Principe Food Assistance December 19, 2013 2.40
Senegal Projet de Construction de Salles de Classe pour l'Enseignement Moyen dans la Banlieue de Dakar March 25, 2014 12.90
Projet de Construction et d'Equipement d'un Centre Régional de Formation du Personnel de l'Education (CRFPE) à Fatick March 25, 2014 6.42
Non-Project Grant Aid July 26, 2013 5.00
Sierra Leone Food Assistance February 5, 2014 4.30
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown (additional aid *5) December 17, 2013 (1.55 *5)
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown May 22, 2013 13.97
Somalia Food Assistance (through WFP) August 20, 2013 3.10
South Sudan Food Assistance (through WFP) August 20, 2013 1.90
Sudan Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Khartoum State February 20, 2014 15.34
Food Assistance (through WFP) August 20, 2013 3.00
Swaziland The Project for Strengthening National and Community Systems for Effective Disaster Risk Management (through UNDP) May 17, 2013 0.92
Tanzania Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 31, 2014 3.80
The Project for Development of Malindi Fish Landing and Marketing Facilities in Zanzibar March 11, 2014 9.35
The Project for Widening of New Bagamoyo Road (additional aid *7) January 17, 2014 (2.22 *7)
The Project for Reinforcement of Power Distribution in Dar es Salaam (Detailed Design) January 17, 2014 0.32
The Project for Improvement of Transport Capacity in Dar es Salaam (Phase 2) November 11, 2013 1.04
The Project of Rural Water Supply in Tabora Region November 11, 2013 17.92
Project for Improvement of Tazara Intersection June 18, 2013 31.27
Togo Food Assistance November 18, 2013 4.50
Non-Project Grant Aid April 22, 2013 11.00
Uganda The Project for the Rehabilitation of Hospitals and Supply of Medical Equipment in the Western Region in Uganda November 28, 2013 18.17
The Project for Rural Electrification Phase III July 4, 2013 12.04
The Project for Provision of Improved Water Source for Resettled Internally Displaced Persons in Acholi Sub- Region July 4, 2013 9.73
Zambia The Project for Upgrading Lusaka Health Centres to District Hospitals (additional aid *8) January 28, 2014 (0.91 *8)
The Project for Expansion of the Cold Chain (through UNICEF) July 19, 2013 2.21
The Project for Upgrading Lusaka Health Centres to District Hospitals July 17, 2013 19.08
Zimbabwe Food Assistance (through WFP) June 27, 2013 4.30
Latin America and the Caribbean Dominican Republic Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Next-Generation Vehicle Package) March 12, 2014 5.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products February 6, 2014 3.00
Grenada Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products February 6, 2014 2.00
Guatemala Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products October 18, 2013 2.00
Guyana Non-Project Grant Aid March 3, 2014 3.00
Haiti The Project for Reinforcement of Cholera Prevention in Plateau Central (through UNICEF) March 11, 2014 2.57
Projet d'Aménagement de l'Hôpital de Jacmel du Département du Sud-Est (additional aid *9) March 6, 2014 (6.94 *9)
Projet de Rétablissement du Système d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable pour la Reconstruction de la Ville de Léogâne March 6, 2014 6.69
Honduras The Project for Restoration of the Democracia Bridge (additional aid *1) October 23, 2013 (0.42 *1)
Peru Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products April 30, 2013 2.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese Next Generation Eco-Friendly Vehicles April 30, 2013 12.00
Oceania Marshall Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products March 7, 2014 2.00
Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products February 14, 2014 2.00
Micronesia Japan's Grant Aid for Provision of Industrial Products December 26, 2013 2.00
The Project for Improvement of Domestic Shipping Services August 27, 2013 11.10
Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid August 28, 2013 1.00
Papua New Guinea The Project for Rehabilitation of Madang Town Market October 25, 2013 10.04
Samoa The Project for Improvement of Urban Untreated Water Supply Schemes February 24, 2014 18.31
Non-Project Grant Aid December 24, 2013 1.00
Solomon The Project for Improvement of Honiara Port Facilities (Detailed Design) January 17, 2014 0.52
Tonga Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products February 24, 2014 2.00
Tuvalu The Project for Construction of a Cargo/Passenger Vessel September 17, 2013 15.44
Non-Project Grant Aid September 17, 2013 1.00
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products February 26, 2014 3.00
Moldova The Project for Effective Use of Biomass Fuel June 26, 2013 11.54
Serbia Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Introduction of Japanese Advanced Products and Its System (Next-Generation Vehicle Package) March 12, 2014 5.00
Japan's Non-Project Grant Aid for Provision of Japanese SME's Products February 26, 2014 2.00

*1 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Restoration of the Democracia Bridge" was changed from ¥520 million to ¥562 million. The original exchanged notes are dated March 18, 2013.

*2 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Urgent Rehabilitation of Nacala Port" was changed from ¥2.666 billion to ¥3.2 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated December 10, 2012.

*3 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Construction of a Teacher Training College for Secondary School Teachers in Lilongwe" was changed from ¥1.118 billion to ¥1.327 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated May 16, 2013.

*4 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Improvement of Sihanouk Province Referral Hospital" was changed from ¥1.321 billion to ¥1.554 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated March 21, 2013.

*5 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown" was changed from ¥1.397 billion to ¥1.552 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated May 22, 2013.

*6 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System" was changed from ¥1.079 billion to ¥1.15 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated June 10, 2013.

*7 Due to the additional construction work required, the total amount of the "Project for Widening of New Bagamoyo Road" was changed from ¥4.873 billion to ¥5.095 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated May 31, 2010.

*8 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate, etc., the total amount of the "Project for Upgrading Lusaka Health Centres to District Hospitals" was changed from ¥1.908 billion to ¥1.999 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated July 17, 2013.

*9 Due to fluctuation in exchange rate and the steep rise in material prices, etc., the total amount of "Projet d'Aménagement de l'Hôpital de Jacmel du Département du Sud-Est" was changed from ¥1.333 billion to ¥2.027 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated October 4, 2012.

*10 The total amount of the "Project for Desalination of Groundwater in Southern Region" was changed from ¥1 billion to ¥1.023 billion. The original exchanged notes are dated March 18, 2010.

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