Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 31, 2010
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia Cambodia The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 18, 2010 7.20
Forest Preservation Programme March 18, 2010 9.00
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 18, 2010 10.00
The Project for Construction of Neak Loeung Bridge (Detailed Design) March 18, 2010 2.39
The Programme for Integrated Mine Clearance and Landmine Victim Assistance November 25, 2009 10.98
Non-Project Grant Aid August 13, 2009 10.00
The Project for Improvement of the National Road No.1 July 30, 2009 20.05
The Project for Construction of Marine Aquaculture Development Center July 30, 2009 9.31
The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Memot District of Kampong Cham Province July 30, 2009 3.69
The Project for Improvement of Roleang Chrey Headworks June 15, 2009 8.19
The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh (Phase III) June 15, 2009 5.24
Non-Project Grant Aid June 15, 2009 8.00
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 4, 2009 5.56
Laos The Programme for Forest Information Management March 4, 2010 4.75
The Forest Preservation Programme March 4, 2010 10.00
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 4, 2010 10.00
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar March 4, 2010 4.80
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 25, 2009 2.97
Indonesia The Project for Safe School Reconstruction in Devastated Areas of Earthquake in Offshore of Padang in West Sumatra March 18, 2010 5.49
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 18, 2010 5.20
Forest Preservation Programme March 18, 2010 10.00
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 18, 2010 10.00
The Project for Improvement of Bridges in Nias Island December 10, 2009 15.22
The Project for Construction of Bridges in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Phase 2 December 10, 2009 4.92
Mongolia Food Aid December 11, 2009 5.70
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 11, 2009 5.90
The Project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase IV) August 18, 2009 32.62
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Darkhan City July 16, 2009 9.40
The Project for Community-Led Ger Area Upgrading in Ulaanbaatar City June 24, 2009 5.61
The Project for Construction of Railway Fly-over in Ulaanbaatar City May 27, 2009 36.58
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 27, 2009 2.69
Myanmar The Project for Equipment Provision for the National Tuberculosis Programme March 31, 2010 3.08
Food Aid (through WFP) January 18, 2010 5.10
The Project for Construction of Primary School-cum-Cyclone Shelter in the Area Affected by Cyclone "Nargis" December 4, 2009 5.81
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 24, 2009 3.48
Philippines The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 15, 2010 6.00
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 15, 2010 15.00
The Project for Improvement of Aurora Memorial Hospital March 15, 2010 10.89
The Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System October 30, 2009 33.50
The Project for Flood Disaster Mitigation in Camiguin Island June 18, 2009 10.13
The Project for the Bridge Construction for Expanded Agrarian Reform Communities Development May 20, 2009 6.10
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 20, 2009 3.01
Timor-Leste The Forest Preservation Programme March 15, 2010 2.00
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 15, 2010 5.00
The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) March 4, 2010 1.37
Food Aid (through WFP) January 18, 2010 2.20
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply System in Bemos-Dili May 26, 2009 6.94
Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Equipment in the National Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology February 5, 2010 4.61
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers October 29, 2009 3.60
The Project for the Reinforcement of Custom Functions at the Haiphong Port September 21, 2009 8.61
The Project for Afforestation on the Coastal Sandy Area in Southern Central Viet Nam (Phase II) July 6, 2009 4.87
South West Asia Bhutan The Project for Improvement of Machinery and Equipment for Construction of Rural Agricultural Road (Phase 2) January 19, 2010 5.97
The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges (Phase III) June 19, 2009 24.94
India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in India (through UNICEF) August 5, 2009 2.05
Maldives The Project for Clean Energy Promotion in Male' March 25, 2010 10.00
Food Aid September 15, 2009 3.40
Nepal The Project for the Improvement of Community Access March 5, 2010 9.90
Food Aid February 9, 2010 6.80
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System January 29, 2010 6.60
The Project for Construction of Sindhuli Road (Section III) June 23, 2009 43.33
Pakistan The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Abbottabad (Detailed Design) February 17, 2010 5.30
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 11, 2010 4.80
The Programme for the Sustainable Development through Peace Building and Economic Recovery in North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (through UNDP) December 10, 2009 11.34
The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) December 9, 2009 4.03
Non-Project Grant Aid November 24, 2009 30.00
Non-Project Grant Aid May 18, 2009 20.00
Sri Lanka The Project for the Improvement of Central Functions of Jaffna Teaching Hospital March 26, 2010 22.98
The Project for Reconstruction of 5 Bridges in Eastern Province January 19, 2010 0.29
Grant Aid for Environmental Program December 4, 2009 8.60
Central Asia and Caucasus Armenia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers September 4, 2009 1.70
Kyrgyz The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 18, 2009 2.49
Tajikistan The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 4, 2010 4.50
Food Aid (through WFP) November 20, 2009 3.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 5, 2009 1.35
Uzbekistan The Project for the Installation of X-ray Scanning Equipment at the Check Points of Uzbekistan Borders with the Neighboring Countries March 1, 2010 4.67
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 29, 2009 2.44
Middle East Afghanistan Non-Project Grant Aid March 22, 2010 16.00
The Project for Rehabilitation of Ring Road in Mazar-e-Sharif City March 22, 2010 17.51
The Project for Rehabilitation of Airfield Pavements at Kabul International Airport (Detailed Design) March 22, 2010 0.56
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 22, 2010 7.00
The Programme for Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan (Phase II) (through UNESCO) March 9, 2010 17.91
The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (through UNICEF) November 8, 2009 4.45
Egypt The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 11, 2010 9.70
Jordan The Project for Energy Conservation through Upgrading Water Supply Network in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan February 28, 2010 11.32
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 28, 2010 6.40
The Project for Improvement of Airport Security Equipment at Queen Alia International Airport in Jordan August 10, 2009 14.37
Non-Project Grant Aid May 20, 2009 18.00
Morocco The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System January 25, 2010 6.40
Palestinian Authorities The Project for Support for the Public Activities of the Communities in Jordan Valley March 2, 2010 11.76
Non-Project Grant Aid December 21, 2009 15.00
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 21, 2009 6.00
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Palestinian Children (through UNICEF) August 11, 2009 1.21
Food Aid (through UNRWA) July 16, 2009 6.00
Food Aid (through WFP) July 14, 2009 2.70
Syria The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 4, 2010 5.60
The Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Treatment in Local Cities (Phase 2) March 4, 2010 9.85
Tunisia The Project for Desalination of Groundwater in Southern Region March 18, 2010 10.00
Yemen The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 12, 2009 6.20
The Project for Rural Water Supply (Detailed Design) November 14, 2009 0.86
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers August 15, 2009 5.10
Non-Project Grant Aid August 15, 2009 10.00
Africa Angola The Programme for the Capacity Development of INAD (through UNDP) March 18, 2010 1.41
Benin Food Aid March 16, 2010 7.20
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 16, 2010 5.00
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale (Phase VI) July 7, 2009 9.81
Botswana The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 4, 2010 11.10
Burkina Faso The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 16, 2010 7.00
Food Aid March 16, 2010 9.40
Non-Project Grant Aid September 4, 2009 6.00
Projet de Construction de l'Ecole Nationale des Enseignants du Primaire (ENEP) de Dori July 13, 2009 8.36
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans les Régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Sud June 26, 2009 14.59
Projet de construction d'écoles primaires (Phase IV) April 2, 2009 9.98
Food Aid April 2, 2009 8.00
Burundi The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) January 18, 2010 1.24
Le Projet de Promotion de l'Énergie Propre en Utilisant le Système Solaire Photovoltaïque January 18, 2010 5.40
Food Aid November 24, 2009 4.50
Projet de réhabilitation des transports publics September 7, 2009 11.04
Non-Project Grant Aid May 26, 2009 6.00
Cameroon The Programme for Support to Village Environment through Community Participation (through UNDP) March 31, 2010 5.30
Non-Project Grant Aid March 17, 2010 6.00
The Forest Preservation Programme March 17, 2010 8.00
Cape Verde The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 19, 2010 3.00
Food Aid March 19, 2010 3.40
Central African Republic Projet de construction d'écoles primaires July 1, 2009 11.87
Comoros Food Aid April 29, 2009 4.70
Congo, Democratic Republic of Le projet de réhabilitation de l'usine de traitement des'eaux de Ngaliema dans la ville de Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo February 16, 2010 20.25
Le projet d'extension de l'usine de traitement des'eaux de Ngaliema dans la ville de Kinshasa (le Concept Détaillé) February 16, 2010
Le projet de réhabilitation et de modernisation de l'Avenue des Poids Lourds à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo November 30, 2009 17.51
Non-Project Grant Aid October 8, 2009 7.00
Food Aid October 8, 2009 6.20
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) September 3, 2009 2.81
Food Aid April 30, 2009 7.00
Congo, Republic of The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Congo (through UNICEF) January 27, 2010 1.59
Cote d'lvoire The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention (through UNICEF) January 29, 2010 1.83
Food Aid November 26, 2009 5.40
Food Aid April 15, 2009 5.30
Djibouti The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 17, 2010 5.00
Le Projet de Construction et d'Equipement d'un Etablissement de Formation des Enseignants de l'Enseignement Fondamental February 11, 2010 7.67
Le Projet de Promotion de l'Énergie Propre en utilisant le Système Solaire Photovoltaïque December 2, 2009 6.10
Non-Project Grant Aid June 15, 2009 5.00
Food Aid April 3, 2009 8.60
Le Projet de Réhabilitation des Equipements pour la Production de Programmes à la Station de Radiodiffusion-Télévision April 3, 2009 9.25
Eritrea Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) March 22, 2010 1.38
Ethiopia Forest Preservation Programme March 18, 2010 17.00
Food Aid March 18, 2010 8.50
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 18, 2010 5.90
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Tigray Region (Detailed Design) January 26, 2010 1.04
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Oromia Region July 16, 2009 10.29
Non-Project Grant Aid May 21, 2009 6.00
The Programme for Emergency Water Supply for Addressing Climate Change April 23, 2009 8.00
Gabonese Republic The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 18, 2010 6.70
Forest Preservation Programme March 18, 2010 7.00
Projet d'aménagement d'un Centre d'appui à la Peche Artisanale de Libreville June 26, 2009 11.62
Gambia The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 18, 2010 5.00
Food Aid March 18, 2010 5.60
The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase III) March 18, 2010 8.97
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 18, 2010 2.30
Ghana Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy March 12, 2010 3.36
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 12, 2010 6.10
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 12, 2010 4.60
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 12, 2010 7.00
The Forest Preservation Programme March 12, 2010 7.00
The Project for Improvement of Access to Basic Education in Deprived Areas August 13, 2009 6.05
Non-Project Grant Aid August 13, 2009 10.00
The Project for Improvement of the National Road Route 8 July 7, 2009 87.14
Food Aid April 20, 2009 9.50
Guinea The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care (through UNICEF) March 12, 2010 1.25
Guinea-Bissau Non-Project Grant Aid March 9, 2010 2.00
Food Aid (through WFP) November 20, 2009 3.00
Kenya The Project for Improvement of District Hospital in the Western Region of the Republic of Kenya (Phase II) March 19, 2010 0.27
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 8, 2010 5.00
The Forest Preservation Programme March 8, 2010 11.00
The Project for the Construction of Nairobi Western Ring Roads (Detailed Design) February 23, 2010 0.36
Non-Project Grant Aid September 23, 2009 10.00
Food Aid August 24, 2009 6.70
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control July 6, 2009 3.08
The Project for Augmentation of Water Supply System in Kapsabet Town July 6, 2009 19.56
The Programme for Community-Based Flood Disaster Management to Adapt to Climate Change in the Nyando River Basin May 19, 2009 4.83
Lesotho The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 5, 2010 5.00
Liberia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) February 5, 2010 1.62
Malawi The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System February 17, 2010 6.60
The Project for Replacement of South Rukuru Bridge on the Main Road M001 February 17, 2010 8.83
Non-Project Grant Aid May 11, 2009 6.00
Mali Food Aid March 22, 2010 8.60
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 22, 2010 5.00
Projet de Construction des ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal (phase III) July 7, 2009 15.28
Projet de Construction des Ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal (phase II) May 22, 2009 6.55
Non-Project Grant Aid May 22, 2009 6.00
Food Aid April 23, 2009 8.40
Mauritania The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 17, 2010 5.00
Food Aid March 9, 2010 5.90
Mozambique Food Aid March 26, 2010 9.70
Mine Action Programme (through UNDP) March 12, 2010 1.83
The Project for Construction of Secondary Schools October 27, 2009 10.15
Niger Food Aid February 4, 2010 5.70
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable en vue de l'éradication du ver de Guinée dans la Région de Tillabéri June 11, 2009 7.30
Nigeria The Project for Water Supply in Bauchi and Katsina States March 12, 2010 5.05
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Federal Republic of Nigeria (through UNICEF) August 18, 2009 8.23
Rwanda The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II) March 26, 2010 14.35
Non-Project Grant Aid September 8, 2009 6.00
Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid January 14, 2010 2.50
Senegal The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 18, 2010 7.00
Food Aid March 18, 2010 9.10
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la région de Tambacounda March 18, 2010 13.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers November 24, 2009 3.80
Le projet d'aménagement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les régions de Tambacounda et Kédougou May 29, 2009 16.62
Le projet de Construction des ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal (phase II) May 29, 2009 6.55
Sierra Leone The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change March 2, 2010 3.00
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Sierra Leone (through UNICEF) December 2, 2009 1.22
Non-Project Grant Aid July 22, 2009 6.00
Sudan The Project for Construction of Educational Facilities for Peace Building in Darfur (through UNICEF) March 28, 2010 5.30
The Project for Construction and Rehabilitation of Bridges on Main Roads in Juba City November 19, 2009 18.73
Food Aid (through WFP) August 2, 2009 6.60
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) July 30, 2009 5.33
The Project for Improving Facilities and Equipment of Multi-Service Training Center in Juba June 30, 2009 11.29
Swaziland Food Aid March 15, 2010 2.40
Tanzania The Project for Widening of the New Bagamoyo Road (Detailed Design) February 26, 2010 0.60
The Project for the Improvement of Masasi-Mangaka Road December 3, 2009 15.14
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control September 25, 2009 1.71
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Mwanza and Mara Regions May 27, 2009 10.22
Togo Non-Project Grant Aid September 1, 2009 6.00
Food Aid April 7, 2009 6.90
Uganda The Project for the Rehabilitation of Hospitals and Supply of Medical Equipment in the Central Region in Uganda (Detailed design) November 30, 2009 1.35
Zambia The Project for the Improvement of the Medical Equipment of the University Teaching Hospital December 11, 2009 3.24
The Project for Improvement of Ndola and Kitwe City Roads August 28, 2009 26.92
Zimbabwe The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) January 26, 2010 1.25
Latin America and the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda The Project for Construction of Artisanal Fisheries Facilities in Barbuda Island June 3, 2009 13.28
Belize The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 14, 2009 5.10
Bolivia Proyecto para Introducción de Energía Limpia por Sistema de Generación de Electricidad Solar March 19, 2010 4.40
Proyecto de Desarrollo de Agua Potable Sistema del Río San Juan en Potosí October 21, 2009 13.16
El Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable en la Zona Sudeste de la Ciudad de Cochabamba May 28, 2009 12.15
Costa Rica The Forest Preservation Programme March 19, 2010 7.00
Proyecto para Introducción de Energía Limpia por Sistema de Generación de Electricidad Solar February 16, 2010 8.10
Ecuador Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente Internacional Macará March 17, 2010 8.00
Proyecto para Introducción de Energía Límpia por Sistema de Generación de Electricidad Solar March 17, 2010 8.60
Grenada The Project for Improvement of the Traditional Fishing Community Infrastructure at Gouyave December 22, 2009 11.70
Guatemala Proyecto de Promoción de Actividades Productivas con el Uso de Energía Limpia en Aldeas del Norte en la República de Guatemala January 26, 2010 10.03
Haiti The Project for Reinforcement of the Immunization Program (through UNICEF) February 22, 2010 1.83
Food Aid November 30, 2009 6.30
Non-Project Grant Aid June 22, 2009 6.00
Nicaragua The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 9, 2010 10.88
Proyecto de Construcción del Puente Santa Fe en la República de Nicaragua December 21, 2009 0.76
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad de Mantenimiento de Caminos y Carreteras en la República de Nicaragua July 28, 2009 6.55
Peru Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente International Macará March 9, 2010 8.00
Proyecto para Introducción de Energía Limpia por Sistema de Generación de Electricidad Solar March 9, 2010 4.00
Proyecto de Construcción de la Nueva Sede del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación "Dra. Adriana Rebaza Flores" November 10, 2009 19.25
Uruguay Proyecto para Introducción de Energía Limpia por Sistema de Generación de Electricidad Solar December 14, 2009 7.30
Oceania Fiji The Project for Construction of Information and Communication Technology Center at the University of the South Pacific (Phase II) November 24, 2009 8.57
Kiribati Non-Project Grant Aid December 22, 2009 1.00
Marshall The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 16, 2009 5.30
Micronesia The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 8, 2009 5.30
Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid March 13, 2010 1.00
Palau The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System December 24, 2009 4.80
Papua New Guinea The Forest Preservation Programme March 19, 2010 7.00
The Project for Construction of Bridges on Bougainville Coastal Trunk Road June 25, 2009 31.54
Samoa The Programme for Improving the Weather Forecasting System and Meteorological Warning Facilities March 10, 2010 7.45
Solomon Islands The Project for Construction of Market and Jetty in Auki March 15, 2010 9.62
The Project for Reconstruction of Gizo Hospital June 17, 2009 19.00
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Honiara and Auki June 17, 2009 20.90
Tonga The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Home System March 12, 2010 5.90
The Project for Upgrading and Refurbishment of Vaiola Hospital (Phase II) December 9, 2009 0.76
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid December 4, 2009 1.00
Vanuatu Non-Project Grant Aid March 16, 2010 1.00
Europe Albania The Project for the Improvement of the Medical Equipment of the Regional Level Emergency Centers December 17, 2009 7.18
Moldova Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers October 7, 2009 1.60
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