Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 31, 2011
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase VI) March 15, 2011 12.98
The Project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Phnom Penh Capital City (Phase III) March 15, 2011 37.00
The Project for Replacement and Expansion of Water Distribution Systems in Provincial Capitals March 15, 2011 27.60
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 23, 2010 3.06
The Project for Construction of Neak Loeung Bridge June 23, 2010 119.40
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 25, 2010 4.92
Indonesia The Project for Urgent Reconstruction of East Pump Station of Pluit in Jakarta (Detailed Design) January 20, 2011 0.74
The Project for Airport Security System Improvement June 25, 2010 6.21
The Project for Enhancement of Vessel Traffic System in Malacca and Singapore Straits, Phase 2 June 25, 2010 14.32
Laos The Project for Improvement of Transportation Capacity of Public Bus in Vientiane Capital March 10, 2011 5.00
The Project for the Improvement of School Environments in Champasack and Savannakhet Provinces June 15, 2010 10.18
Non-Project Grant Aid May 13, 2010 10.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 13, 2010 2.77
Mongolia Food Aid February 18, 2011 8.10
The Programme for Ulaanbaatar Water Supply Development in Gachuurt (Detailed Design) September 3, 2010 1.02
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 4, 2010 2.47
The Project for Freshwater Resources and Nature Conservation May 4, 2010 7.56
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship September 2, 2010 3.02
Thailand The Forest Preservation Programme September 30, 2010 9.00
Timor-Leste The Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply System in Bemos-Dili Phase 2 January 31, 2011 2.72
Oecusse Port Urgent Rehabilitation Project December 14, 2010 11.75
Viet Nam The Project for Rehabilitation of Small-Scale Reservoirs in Quang Ngai Province August 11, 2010 6.98
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 12, 2010 3.62
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change June 30, 2010 20.00
The Forest Preservation Programme May 27, 2010 4.00
Cambodia and Thailand The Project for Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation of Mekong Protected Forest Area (through ITTO) October 28, 2010 1.74
South Asia Bangladesh Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy March 30, 2011 5.00
Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 8.20
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 13, 2010 2.31
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change April 25, 2010 15.00
Bhutan Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 21, 2011 1.30
The Project for Replacement of Ambulances January 25, 2011 1.61
India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) January 21, 2011 1.92
The Project for Strengthening of Electronic Media Production Centre in Indira Gandhi National Open University July 26, 2010 7.87
Maldives Non-Project Grant Aid June 1, 2010 3.00
Nepal Food Aid March 17, 2011 10.00
The Forest Preservation Programme April 28, 2010 6.00
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers April 8, 2010 4.90
Pakistan The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) December 14, 2010 3.95
The Project for Expansion of Water Supply System in Faisalabad August 26, 2010 7.99
Urgent Rehabilitation Project for Sewerage and Drainage System in Lahore August 26, 2010 12.23
The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Abbottabad July 27, 2010 36.44
Sri Lanka Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 31, 2011 3.60
The Reconstruction of 5 Bridges in Eastern Province November 25, 2010 12.17
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 25, 2010 2.29
Central Asia and Caucasus Azerbaijan Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 17, 2011 2.60
Georgia The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System June 16, 2010 4.80
Kyrgyz Return and Reintegration Programme for Displaced and Returnees Communities in Southern Kyrgystan (through UNHCR) September 14, 2010 6.10
The Project for Improvement of the Equipment of Road Maintenance in Issyk-Kul and Chui Oblasts August 12, 2010 9.74
Tajikistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 17, 2010 1.19
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers April 15, 2010 1.90
Uzbekistan The Project for the Installation of X-ray Scanning Equipment at the Check Points of Uzbekistan Borders with the Neighboring Countries (Phase II) September 16, 2010 3.60
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 15, 2010 2.33
Middle East Afghanistan Non-Project Grant Aid March 9, 2011 28.00
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipments for the Provincial Hospital of Balkh March 9, 2011 10.36
The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) January 29, 2011 4.52
The Project for Construction of Hospital for Communicable Disease December 12, 2010 26.43
The Programme for Improvement of Irrigation Systems and Construction of Micro-Hydro Power Facilities in Kabul and Bamyan Provinces (through FAO) November 10, 2010 13.56
The Project for Rehabilitation of Chaghcharan City Road in Ghor Province October 4, 2010 6.72
The Project for Rehabilitation of Airfield Pavements at Kabul International Airport October 4, 2010 25.72
The Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme (through UNDP) September 23, 2010 43.55
Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 4.60
The Programme for Increase of Agricultural Production by the Improvement of Productivity in Afghanistan (through FAO) June 5, 2010 10.33
Jordan The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Water Facilities in Tafieleh Governorate (Detailed Design) January 12, 2011 0.47
Non-Project Grant Aid May 26, 2010 15.00
Lebanon The Project for Reconstruction of Nahr El-Bared Palestine Refugee Camp (through UNRWA) March 22, 2011 2.01
Morocco The Project for Flood Forecasting and Warning System in High Atlas Area March 23, 2011 5.86
Palestinian Authorities Jericho Wastewater Collection, Treatment System and Reuse Project February 28, 2011 26.50
Non-Project Grant Aid December 27, 2010 10.00
Non-Project Grant Aid October 24, 2010 15.00
Food Aid (through UNRWA) August 31, 2010 6.00
Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 2.70
Yemen Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 5.70
The Project for Rural Water Supply May 17, 2010 15.94
The Project for Upgrading and Revitalization of Road Construction Machinery Workshop at Nukum April 28, 2010 7.07
Africa Angola The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) February 21, 2011 3.83
The Project for Renovation of Viana Training Center August 30, 2010 8.44
Benin Food Aid February 3, 2011 4.60
The Project for Support to Village Environment Through Community Participation (through UNDP) January 21, 2011 4.06
Burkina Faso Food Aid March 4, 2011 7.60
Projet de Renforcement des Capacités d'Enseignement et de Formation de l'Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts December 2, 2010 6.55
Burundi Food Aid February 23, 2011 4.00
The Project for Rehabilitation of Roads and Infrastructures for Bujumbura City June 7, 2010 27.00
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change April 15, 2010 3.00
Cape Verde Food Aid February 2, 2011 3.40
Central African Republic Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 2.40
Chad Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 3.10
Comoros Food Aid March 1, 2011 1.40
Congo, Democratic Republic of Non-Project Grant Aid March 17, 2011 15.00
Food Aid February 3, 2011 8.80
le projet d'aménagement de l'institut d'enseignement médical de Kinshasa (le Concept Détaillé) January 13, 2011 0.85
The Forest Preservation Programme May 18, 2010 10.00
Le projet d'aménagement en équipments des Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa May 18, 2010 7.28
Le projet de réhabilitation et de modernisation de l'Avenue des Poids Lourds à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo Phase II May 18, 2010 33.52
Projet d'extension de l'usine de traitement des eaux de Ngaliema dans la ville de Kinshasa May 18, 2010 36.33
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environment Through Community Participation in Equateur, Kasai Oriental and Kasai Occidental which Contributes to Promoting Community Empowerment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) April 29, 2010 6.01
Congo, Republic of Food Aid (through WFP) April 8, 2010 2.70
Cote d'lvoire Le programme pour l'amélioration de capacité faisant face aux désastres naturels causés par le changement climatique August 3, 2010 3.80
The Programme for Youth Training for Post-Conflict Recovery and Peace Building (through UNIDO) August 2, 2010 3.25
The Forest Preservation Programme April 19, 2010 15.00
Djibouti The Project for Rural Water Supply in Southern Djibouti March 28, 2011 4.89
Non-Project Grant Aid December 20, 2010 3.00
Eritrea Food Aid January 21, 2011 4.50
Ethiopia The Project for Replacement of Awash Bridge on A1 Trunk Road (Detailed Design) March 8, 2011 0.45
Food Aid November 23, 2010 5.50
The Project for Operation and Maintenance of Trunk Road: Goha Tshion–Dejen Across Abay Gorge (Equipment Supply) June 25, 2010 9.60
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Tigray Region May 14, 2010 12.64
Gambia Food Aid March 10, 2011 6.60
Ghana Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy March 2, 2011 2.00
Food Aid March 2, 2011 10.00
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy February 4, 2011 3.40
Guinea Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 4.90
Guinea-Bissau Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 12, 2011 1.75
Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 2.50
The Project for Construction of Plant for Small Fisheries in Tombali Region June 9, 2010 8.56
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments in the Regions of Gabu and Oio (through UNICEF) April 28, 2010 8.65
Kenya Food Aid March 2, 2011 6.30
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control December 10, 2010 2.94
Food Aid November 16, 2010 9.40
The Project for the Construction of Nairobi Western Ring Roads November 16, 2010 25.07
The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply System in Embu and the Surrounding Area July 26, 2010 25.60
Lesotho The Project for Construction of New Secondary Schools and Upgrading of Facilities in Existing Secondary Schools March 16, 2011 10.69
The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System March 16, 2011 2.97
Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 1.90
Liberia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) March 8, 2011 3.04
Food Aid March 8, 2011 10.00
Non-Project Grant Aid March 8, 2011 11.00
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Schools Development (through UNICEF) July 2, 2010 7.72
Malawi The Project for Groundwater Development in Mwanza and Neno January 26, 2011 4.26
The Project for the Replacement of Air Navigation System at Kamuzu International Airport January 26, 2011 7.78
The Project for Re-Construction and Expansion of Selected Community Day Secondary Schools August 31, 2010 11.98
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change July 28, 2010 5.00
The Project for Improvement of Blantyre City Roads (Phase II) June 2, 2010 8.99
The Forest Preservation Programme May 7, 2010 17.00
Mali Projet de Construction d'un Marché Central aux Poissons à Bamako June 23, 2010 10.27
Mauritania Food Aid February 1, 2011 5.40
Mozambique Food Aid March 2, 2011 10.00
The Forest Preservation Programme April 28, 2010 7.00
Nigeria The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) December 10, 2010 8.81
The Project for Construction of Additional Classrooms for Primary Schools (Phase II) June 28, 2010 11.32
Rwanda The Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities(Detailed Design) March 22, 2011 0.40
The Project for Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network March 22, 2011 24.54
The Project for Underprivileged Farmers March 22, 2011 1.90
Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid January 25, 2011 2.30
Senegal Projet de renforcement du Centre de formation professionnelle et technique Sénégal/Japon March 8, 2011 10.74
Projet de construction de salles de classe pour l'enseignement élémentaire et moyen dans les régions de Dakar et Thiès March 8, 2011 12.13
Food Aid March 8, 2011 9.10
Sierra Leone Non-Project Grant Aid March 10, 2011 9.00
The Project for Establishment of Rural Water Supply System in Kambia Town January 20, 2011 8.05
Sudan The Project for Protection for Children Affected by Conflict (through UNICEF) March 10, 2011 2.55
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) November 10, 2010 8.70
Food Aid (through WFP) August 8, 2010 6.00
Swaziland The Project for the Improvement of Secondary Education March 9, 2011 11.43
Tanzania The Project for Reinforcement of Power Distribution in Zanzibar Island March 29, 2011 30.00
The Project for Rehabilitation of Substation and Transmission Line in Kilimanjaro Region March 24, 2011 25.00
The Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities(Detailed Design) March 24, 2011 0.40
Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers February 24, 2011 4.00
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy November 18, 2010 4.70
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control October 18, 2010 1.15
The Project for Widening of New Bagamoyo Road May 31, 2010 48.73
Food Aid May 20, 2010 9.70
Togo Food Aid January 18, 2011 4.30
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change August 11, 2010 5.00
Uganda Food Aid (through WFP) August 25, 2010 4.30
The Project for the Rehabilitation of Hospitals and Supply of Medical Equipment in the Central Region in Uganda June 17, 2010 17.41
The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change April 12, 2010 5.00
The Project for Social Infrastructure Development for Promoting Return and Re-Settlement of Internally Displaced Persons April 12, 2010 13.40
The Project for the Improvement of Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization April 12, 2010 4.51
Zimbabwe The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) March 29, 2011 4.64
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers July 5, 2010 3.20
The Forest Preservation Programme July 5, 2010 12.00
El Salvador The Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change April 28, 2010 15.00
Guyana The Project for the Rehabilitation of the East Demerara Water Conservancy March 25, 2011 2.89
Haiti Le Projet de la Réhabilitation de Routes Urbaines (Voirie et Drainage) à Léogane November 24, 2010 10.48
Integrated Border Security Management Project (through IOM) July 7, 2010 2.22
Honduras The Project for Landslide Prevention in Tegucigalpa Metroplitan Area (Detailed Design) February 8, 2011 0.45
Nicaragua The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges on Managua–El Rama Road (Detailed Design) December 16, 2010 0.62
The Project for Construction of the Santa Fe Bridge in the Republic of Nicaragua May 26, 2010 27.53
Paraguay The Forest Preservation Programme May 21, 2010 7.00
Peru El Programa para el Mejoramiento de las Capacidades para Enfrentar los Desastres Naturales Ocacionados por el Cambio Climático September 17, 2010 10.00
El Programa de Conservación de Bosques September 17, 2010 9.00
Oceania Kiribati Non-Project Grant Aid March 11, 2011 1.00
The Project for Expansion of Betio Port (Detailed Design) November 9, 2010 0.52
Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid March 11, 2011 1.00
Samoa The Forest Preservation Programme June 29, 2010 3.00
Solomon Islands The Project for the Improvement of Radio Broadcasting Network for Administration of Disaster Prevention March 24, 2011 5.04
Tonga The Project for Upgrading and Refurbishment of Viola Hospital (Phase II) May 11, 2010 19.22
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid March 23, 2011 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Medium Wave Radio Broadcasting Network June 16, 2010 8.01
Vanuatu Non-Project Grant Aid March 14, 2011 1.00
Europe Kosovo The Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management March 30, 2011 5.43
Montenegro The Project for Urgent Rehabilitation of Water Supply System in the Capital City Podgorica May 13, 2010 5.96
Serbia The Project for Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention Capacity Improvement June 30, 2010 6.32
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