Japan-United States of America Relations
Japan-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

On June 6, commencing at around 5:00 p.m. (local time) for approximately 25 minutes, Mr. Taro Kono, who is visiting Washington D.C. in the United States, held a Japan-U.S. foreign ministers’ meeting with the Honorable Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States. The overview of the meeting is as follows.
1. Ahead of the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting scheduled for the following day, Foreign Minister Kono closely coordinated future policies with Secrtary of State Pompeo, who is performing an important role in the preparations for the U.S.-North Korea Summit, including the handling of the U.S.-North Korea SummitMeeting. Secretary of State Pompeo explained the status of preparations for the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting, and related issues.
2. The two foreign ministers reconfirmed that Japan and the United States, and Japan, the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK) will coordinate closely to ensure that the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting contributes to resolving outstanding issues of concern, including the nuclear, missile, and abductions issues. They shared the view that they will continue conducting current measures in order to elicit concrete action from North Korea.
3. The two foreign ministers once again confirmed the necessity for North Korea to dismantle all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
4. In addition, as it has been confirmed at various levels, including successive summit meetings, that the abductions issue will be raised at the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting, the two foreign ministers once again confirmed that Japan and the United States will continue working together to resolve the abductions issue.
5. The two foreign ministers confirmed that following the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting, Japan and the United States, and Japan, the United States and the ROK will promptly share information and coordinate policy.