As a general rule, foreign national who intend to entry into Japan must acquire a "visa" at the embassy of Japan (an organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the headquarters for Japanese Government representatives serving) in a foreign country, but this does not mean that you are guaranteed entry into Japan if obtaining a visa. When you arrive in Japan, you need to undergo the necessary examination by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan at the airport and aquire a "Status of Residence" according to the activity you are trying to conduct in Japan. In light of this, acquisition of "visa" and "Status of Residence" are separate procedures that fall under the jurisdiction of different organizations. The SSW introduced on this page is a type of newly established "Status of Residence".The SSW has two types, "Specified Skilled Worker" - (i) and (ii) .
Features of SSW
Those who can work in Japan as a SSW must be over 18 years old in a good health, have the necessary occupational skills to work immediately without receiving any particular training.
There is another program called ""Technical Intern Training"", which aims toward providing international contributions by having workers share skills and knowledge that they acquired through on-the-job training in Japan throughout their home country after returning. Those who have satisfactory completed Technical Intern Training are able to switch their status of residence to SSW(ⅰ) in the same field without taking occupational skill exams and Japanese proficiency tests.Refer to the following chart for the main differences between SSW(ⅰ)and (ⅱ).
Specified Skilled Worker
SSW(ⅰ):This is a status of residence applicable to foreign nationals who work in jobs that require a considerable knowledge of or experience in Specified Industry Fields.
SSW(ⅱ):This is a status of residence for foreign nationals to engage in jobs that require proficient skills in Specified Industry Fields.
Period of Stay
SSW(ⅰ):Up to 5 years in total
SSW(ⅱ):No stay limit on a renewable basis
Skill Standards
SSW(ⅰ):Confirmed by exams, etc. (those who have completed Technical Intern Training (ii) are exempted from exams, etc.)
SSW(ⅱ):Confirmed by exams, etc.
Japanese Language Level
SSW(ⅰ):Proficiency in Japanese language required in daily life and at the workplace needs to be confirmed by exams, etc.
SSW(ⅱ):No requirement to confirm through tests,etc.
Accompanied by family members
SSW(ⅰ):basically not permitted
SSW(ⅱ):Possible if fulfill the requirement(Spouse,Children)
SSW(ⅰ)Eligible for support by Accepting Organizations or Registered Support Organizations
Work That Can Be Conducted as a SSW The specific work you can do as a SSW in Japan is as follows, listed for each of the 16 industrial fields.Note that only SSW (i) is available in the "Nursing Care","Automobile Transportation Business","Railway","Forestry" and "Wood Industry" field.
Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Nursing CareIn addition to Nursing Care (assistance with bathing, feeding and excretion responding to the physical and mental condition of the user), other related support services (assistance with recreation and functional training, etc.)Note: Visiting services are not included
Building Cleaning ManagementInterior building cleaning
Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Manufacture of Industrial Products
・Machining and metal processing ・Electric and electronic equipment assembly ・Metal surface treatment ・Carton box and corrugated card board box making
・Precast concrete manufacturing ・Refuse derived paper & plastics densified fuel making ・Tableware and ornaments pottery manufacturing ・Printing / Book binding
・Fabricated textiles manufacturing ・Sewing
Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Construction Industry・Civil engineering ・Building ・Infrastructure facilities & equipment
Shipbuilding and Ship Machinery Industry・Shipbuilding ・Ship machinery ・Ship electrical and electronic equipment
Automobile Repair and MaintenanceAutomobile daily maintenance, Regular maintenance, Certified maintenance, The work in incidentally in certified maintenance
Aviation IndustryAirport ground handling (ground driving support services, baggage and freight handing services), aircraft maintenance (maintenance of aircraft and equipment, etc.)
Accommodation IndustryProviding accommodation services, such as working at the front desk, planning/public relations, hospitality, restaurant services
Railway・Track construction and maintenance ・Electric facilities construction and maintenance ・Rolling stock maintenance and overhaul ・Rolling stock manufacturing ・Train operation works (drivers conductors and workers who are directly engaged in train / car operation)
Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
AgricultureGeneral crop farming (cultivation management, collection/shipping/sorting of agricultural products, etc.), general livestock farming (breed management, collection/shipping/sorting of livestock products, etc.)
Fishery and Aquaculture IndustriesFishery (production and repair of fishing gear, search for marine animals and plants, operation of fishing gear and machinery, capture of marine animals and plants, processing and storage of
catch, ensuring health and safety, etc.), aquaculture industry (production, repair and management of aquaculture materials, breed management, collection (harvesting) and processing of aquaculture animals and plants, ensuring health
and safety, etc.)
Manufacture of Food and BeveragesGeneral food and beverage manufacturing (manufacturing/processing and health and safety of food and beverages (excluding liquor))
Food Service IndustryGeneral restaurant industry (food and beverage processing, customer service, store management)
ForestrySilviculture, Production of logs, etc
Wood IndustryWood processing in sawmilling industry and plywood industry, etc.
An Introduction to Specified Skilled Workers Currently Working in Japan
The following videos were produced by March 2022. In April 2024, the "Machine Parts and Tooling Industries" was changed to "Manufacture of Industrial Products".