People-to-People Exchange

December 9, 2024
Final reporting session in the Ministry
State Minister Matsumoto delivering a welcome speech
A group photo of the participants

On December 9th, 29 graduate/undergraduate students and young professionals participating in MIRAI 2024/2025 (“West Balkans – Peacebuilding” and “Science and Technology” group) held a final reporting session of the visiting Japan Program at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. MATSUMOTO Hisashi participated in the session as a representative of the Ministry.

  1. At his welcome speech, Mr. Matsumoto stated that, as the international community is at a turning point in history and the future of the world is becoming increasingly uncertain, it is important to cooperate and coordinate beyond the frameworks of countries and regions. He also expressed his expectation that each participant plays an active role as a bridge between Japan and Europe in the future.
  2. Mr. Matsumoto and MIRAI participants also exchanged views based upon what the participants had learned during the program. One of them stated her wish to share her experiences of MIRAI with her entourage soon after returning home, whereas another participant, impressed by the exceptional career of Mr Matsumoto, expressed his deep gratitude for the gift of words the latter extended to the floor, quoting a classic of Chinese Literature: “lesser physicians cure diseases, average ones men, but great doctors countries”. Mr. Matsumoto, in return, warmly encouraged the participants to draw from the experience of MIRAI 2024 necessary nourishment to build up a long career for themselves.

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