Japan-ASEAN Relations
The 17th ASEAN Plus Three (Japan-China-Republic of Korea) Summit

1. Review and Future Direction of of ASEAN Plus Three cooperation
(1) Financial Cooperation
Prime Minister Abe welcomed the signing of the “Agreement establishing ASEAN Plus Three Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)” in October this year and expressed expectation that the agreement will come into effect as early as possible. He also appreciated the strengthening of the Chiang Mai Initiative in July this year, which led to the strengthening of the regional financial safety net.
(2) Food Security
Prime Minister Abe expressed expectation of the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) system and of further advancement in this field. He referred to Japan’s assistance of rice for Laos and the Philippines and his intention to strengthen the public-private cooperation for “food value chain (FVC).” He also asked for relaxing and lifting of restrictions on imports from Japan.
(3) People-to-people Connectivity (including Education and Tourism)
Prime Minister Abe explained Japan’s initiatives, including the promotion of student exchanges, invitations to Japan that are extended to young people for promoting development of human resources in the field of science and technology. He also explained our position of enhancing coordination with think tanks.
(4) Trade
Prime Minister Abe mentioned that Japan would like to work closely to conclude the RCEP negotiations by the end of 2015 and to achieve a comprehensive and high-level agreement.
(5) Coal-fired Power Generation
Prime Minister Abe mentioned that he wants to share the recognition that highly efficient coal-fired power generation is a pragmatic and essential measure against climate change.
(6) Areas and Direction of Future Cooperation (East Asia Vision Group II)
Prime Minister Abe mentioned that Japan will particularly contribute in the field of higher education, including promoting student exchanges and improving public health services over the next year.
2. International situation and regional situation
(1) Proactive Contribution to Peace
Prime Minister Abe explained that Japan will contribute even more proactively to ensuring the peace, stability and prosperity of the region and international community from the standpoint of the “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation, and that Japan’s foundation as a peace-loving nation will not change.
(2) North Korea
Prime Minister Abe emphasized that North Korea’s continued nuclear-related activities and missile development are serious threats to the international community. He also reiterated his request for understanding and cooperation regarding the abductions issue in order to encourage North Korea to respond positively.
(3) Japan-China-Republic of Korea (ROK) Cooperation
- i) Prime Minister Abe explained that the China-Japan-Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministerial Conference on Transport and Logistics was held in Yokohama in August, and the China-Japan-ROK Cultural Ministers’ Meeting is scheduled to be held in November.
- ii) Prime Minister Abe stated that as the working-level cooperation continues among Japan, China and the ROK, he hoped for the early convening of Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, which would lead to the convening of the Trilateral Summit.