Japan-Laos Relations

November 6, 2024
70th Anniversary of Japan-Laos Diplomatic Relations
70th Anniversary of Laos-Japan Diplomatic Relations

Artist Introduction

Mr. IDEBUCHI Koichi (living in Kagawa Prefecture)

Explanation of the logo

The number 7, depicted in blue to represent prosperity, represents the prosperous future of Japan and Laos, and the zero is made up of an elephant, which symbolizes Laos, and a cherry blossom, which symbolizes Japan, to form the number 70, which represents the 70th anniversary. In addition, the color scheme of the 7 and 0 represents the flag of Laos, and the red circle represents the Japanese national flag (rising sun).

Use of the logo mark

The logo mark that has been decided upon will be used as the official symbol for the series of events to be held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Laos. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Japan hope that the wide range of people and organizations will participate in the 70th anniversary commemorative events. Authorized events that are in line with the aims of the ‘70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Laos’ can use the logo after going through the application process for event accreditation and will be listed on the event calendar on the Embassy's website and in other publications.

For more information, please see below.


First Southeast Asia Division, Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Telephone: 03-5501-8263
Fax: 03-5501-8262
Email address: japan-laos70th@mofa.go.jp
Embassy of Japan in Laos
Telephone: +856-21-41-4400 to 4403
Fax: +856-21-41-4406
Email address: embassy@vt.mofa.go.jp

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