Press Release on IT
November 25, 2000
On the occasion of the Japan-ASEAN Summit held on November 25, 2000, the Heads of Governments/States of ASEAN Member States, including Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, and Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, recognizing the importance of information and communication technology (IT) in the 21st century, stated or shared the following views:
- Japan welcomed the signing of the "e-ASEAN Framework Agreement" among the ASEAN Member States which took place on November 24, as a significant step toward the realization of "e-ASEAN."
- a. Japan and ASEAN are determined to continue close cooperation to promote IT in East Asia, especially through development of human resources as well as advancement of e-commerce and e-government, bearing in mind the need to bridge the digital divide in the region.
b. Japan will continue to work hard toward effective implementation of the "Comprehensive Cooperation Package" of 15 billion US dollars announced in July this year, attaching importance to ASEAN. In this endeavor, Japan will continue to cooperate closely with the ASEAN Member States, notably through a series of policy missions, so as to ensure that the Package can be implemented in a manner responsive to the needs of the ASEAN Member States.
c. In order to strengthen the cooperation between Japan and ASEAN in the IT sector, an enhanced policy dialogue on its objectives and modality is essential. To this end, Japan and ASEAN will, together with China and the Republic of Korea, hold a Joint Conference of Government Officials, Prominent Academics and Business Leaders in East Asia in 2001.
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