(ii) Grant Aid for Peacebuilding (total: 6 projects, 6 countries, US$36.3million )
●Kenya:The Programme for Shelter and Livelihoods for Peace and Reconciliation(US$approx. 6million, IOM) (Jan. 2009)
●Liberia:Project for Rehabilitation of the Liberian-Japanese Friendship Materning Hospial (US$3.2million) (Jan.2009)
●Sudan:Disarmament, Demolization and Reintergration Programme(US$approx. 17 million, UNDP)(Jan. 2009)
●Burundi: Programme for the Sustainable Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (US$ approx.2million, UNDP)(Feb.2009)
●Liberia:Enhancement of Armed Violence control programmes (US$approx/ 1.4million,UNDP) (Jan. 2009)
●DRC,Chad:The Programme for Demining Activities in Central African Countries(US$approx. 6.74million,UNMAS)(Mar.2009)