TICAD IV Follow-up Mechanism Annual Progress Report 2009
Annual Progress Report 2008  Annual Progress Report DIGEST 2009

SectorsImplementing PartnersCountriesReporting Years

GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of ¥43 billion mentioned above(*)

Yokohama Action Plan
[1]Support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM).
[2]Strengthen central government institutions for HIV/AIDS and prioritize prevention of new infections.
[3]Support efforts to achieve the target of reducing by 50 % TB prevalence and mortality rates by 2015 relative to 1990 levels, including through prevention, testing, and treatment activities under Direct Observation Treatment, Short-course (DOTS).
[4]Promote effective implementation of anti-malaria activities by combining preventive measures including distribution of long lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, and awareness raising and provision of nursing care.
Proposed Measures by Japan/Implementing Partners
● Scale up efforts to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
* Not including GoJ (MHLW) contribution to UNAIDS
Potential Resources, Possible Contributions
GoJ (MOFA)/JICA: Grants and technical assistance out of ¥43 billion mentioned above(*)
Implementing Partners
Related Links
GoJ (MOFA): Pledge and disburse $ 560 million to the Global Fund
EC: Pledged support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for 2008-2010 of a total of € 300 million(*)

(*)Above-mentioned figures do not include Non-Project Grant, Food Aid, Emergency Grant, Grant of specific fields like the Grant Aid for Fishery, etc.

Current Status of Implementation 2009

(i) Tanzania: Recording and reporting system for VCT and STI was established and relevant trainings were conducted for the staff of the regional and district health administration bureau.
(ii) Kenya: Support was provided for the development of the National HIV/AIDS Guideline and establishment of the M&E system.
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Current Status of Implementation 2008

Zambia/Tanzania/Kenya/Zimbabwe/Senegal/Ghana/Sudan/Egypt/Malawi/Madagascar/Mozambique/South Africa
(i) Zambia: (a)Development of National Mobile ART Guideline was technically supported and (b)technical cooperation was provided for the quality assurance at the inspecting room of national and provincial hospitals.
(ii) Tanzania: Teaching materials of VCT and STI were developed for the use of health workers, and STI trainings were provided.
(iii) Kenya: Development of the HIV/AIDS Guideline and establishment of the M&E system were technically supported.
(iv) Zimbabwe: Support was provided for PMTCT (Prevention against Mother to Child Transmission)
(v) Senegal: VCT management and M&E system were strengthened. Capacity on VCT and policy implementation was enhanced in the health facilities at the municipal level.
(vi) Ghana: Support was provided for the sensitization of HIV/AIDS and STI among youth, awareness raising on STI and knowledge improvement of VCT and PMTCT.
(vii) Sudan: Training for VCT counsellors was provided.
(viii) Egypt: Training was provided on Immunity analysis for infectious disease control and Total Quality Control.
(viiii) Malawi: Support was provided for VCT center.
(x) Madagascar: (a) Development of national standard on VCT was assisted, (b) VCT implementation system was strengthened.
(xi) Mozambique: Support was provided for the capacity development of National HIV/AIDS Council and promotion of youth BCC (Behaviour Change and Communication)
(xii) South Africa: Support was provided to develop and strengthen the M&E system of HCBC (Home and Community Based Care).
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