Press Releases

Meeting between State Minister for Foreign Affairs MIYAJI and Mr. Daven C. Joseph, Development Commissioner, Office of the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda

December 13, 2024
State Minister for Foreign Affairs MIYAJI shaking hands with H.E. Daven C. Joseph, Development Commissioner, Office of the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
Photo of the meeting

On December 13, commencing at 5:40 p.m. for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. MIYAJI Takuma, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, held a meeting with H.E. Daven C. Joseph, Development Commissioner, Office of the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, who was visiting Japan to attend the Eighth Japan-CARICOM Ministerial-Level Conference. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. At the outset, State Minister Miyaji welcomed Commissioner Joseph's visit to Japan on the occasion of the Eighth Japan-CARICOM Ministerial-Level Conference scheduled on December 14.
  2. State Minister Miyaji noted that Japan has built on cooperation in the past 10 years towards overcoming the vulnerabilities particular to small island states and sustainable development, in line with the three pillars of Japan’s CARICOM policy. He stated that a grant aid project of approximately 1.5 million dollars was approved in March of this year to supply additional seawater desalination equipment to address the deepening water shortage in Antigua and Barbuda.
  3. Additionally, State Minister Miyaji stated that he will invite trainees to Japan to provide them with water purification and water supply technology training to improve water resources management capabilities in Antigua and Barbuda. He expressed his intention to leverage Japanese technology and expertise to enhance water resources management and overcome vulnerabilities in Antigua and Barbuda. In response, Ambassador Joseph expressed his appreciation for Japan’s assistance in fisheries, and stated his hope to cooperate people-to-people exchange, the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the Japanese language education and others.
  4. The two ministers affirmed to strengthen bilateral relations between Japan and Antigua and Barbuda, and exchanged views on international issues. They concurred to continue to cooperate closely in the international arena based on the Global Partnership.
(Reference) Basic data on Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda cover an area of 440 square kilometers (about the same size as Tanegashima). Population: 90,000 (2022, World Bank). Gross National Income (GNI) per capita: 18,000 USD (2022, World Bank).

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