Press Releases

Statement by the Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the large-scale demonstrations in Egypt

July 1, 2013
  1. Japan is deeply concerned about the casualties resulting from large-scale demonstrations that have been occurring along with the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of Mr. Mohamed Morsi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
  2. Japan calls on all relevant parties to desist from acts of violence and behave with the greatest extent of self-restraint and responsibility. Japan hopes that national dialogue will be realized promptly with the participation of all the political forces so that the political process can move forward in a peaceful and smooth manner. Japan will continue to provide necessary support.
  3. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to take the necessary steps in order to secure the safety of Japanese nationals visiting and staying in Egypt.


* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of the original in Japanese.

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