Press Releases

International Forum on Acceptance of Foreign Nationals and Their Integration into Japan

March 2, 2022
State Minister Suzuki who makes her opening remarks (Online)
Presentation of Good Practices by the domestic and overseas experts (A photo of Mr. Yamawaki and other experts who attend the online meeting)
Panel Discussion by Mr. Yamawaki as the moderator (A photo of Mr. Yamawaki and other experts who attend the online meeting)

On March 2nd, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Organization for Migration(IOM) jointly held the online event entitled “International Forum on Acceptance of Foreign Nationals and Their Integration into Japan”. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. At this forum, under the theme of “Healthcare and Foreign Residents in Japan”, opening remarks by Takako Suzuki, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the keynote speech by IOM Director General António Vitorino were given. In addition, presentation by the domestic and overseas experts and a panel discussion with Mr. Keizo Yamawaki, professor, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University, as a moderator, were held, in conjunction with lively discussions among the participants.
  2. In the opening remarks, Ms. Takako Suzuki, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, mentioned that in order to remove the barrier of healthcare accessibility for foreign residents who are non native Japanese speakers during the current COVID-19 pandemic, she hopes this forum will introduce good examples of overseas and domestic case and actively discuss the topic, leading to the realization of a harmonious coexistence in a safe community for both foreign and Japanese nationals.

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