Press Releases

Signing of the Japan-EU Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement

June 23, 2020

On June 22, 2020, the Agreement on Civil Aviation Safety between Japan and the European Union (Japan-EU Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA)) (PDF)Open a New Window was signed by H.E. Mr. KODAMA Kazuo, Ambassador of Japan to the European Union, H.E. Ms. Irena Andrassy, Ambassador of Croatia to the European Union, and H.E. Ms. Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, European Commission in Brussels.

1. This Agreement aims to reduce the burden imposed on the aviation industry by removing duplication in inspections in exporting and importing civil aeronautical products such as aircraft and other procedures, and to facilitate the free flow of civil aeronautical products.

2. For the entry into force of this Agreement, the completion of internal procedures of the respective contracting parties will be required (in case of Japan, the Diet approval will be required). Pending its entry into force, this Agreement shall be applied provisionally from its signature, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the contracting parties.

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