Press Releases
World Food Day Symposium 2019
“Creating a sustainable future –What can we do to reduce Food Loss and Waste?”
1. On October 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Liaison Office in Japan will co-organize World Food Day Symposium 2019 “Creating a sustainable future –What can we do to reduce Food Loss and Waste?” (PDF).
2. On October 16, the ‘World Food Day’ established by the UN as a day to reflect on global food issues, many events are held over the world with a view to achieving the SDGs Goal 2, ‘Zero Hunger’ by 2030. In Japan, the Food Loss Reduction Promotion Act has entered into force on October 1 this year. The food loss and waste reduction is one of the key issues on which Japan is making its efforts. Against a background of momentum in the international community and in Japan, this symposium expects participation of about 100 people, including business people, government officials, academics and specialists from overseas. At the beginning, Mr. Norihiro Nakayama, Parliamentary Vice-Ministers for Foreign Affairs will make an opening remark.
3. In this Symposium, we will welcome experts from the FAO and promote public understanding on this issue through introducing advanced efforts by Japanese companies and local governments. Further, this Symposium is aiming to explore the possibility of international contributions toward the achievement of SDGs.