Press Releases

Japan-Democratic Republic of the Congo Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

October 6, 2018
Japan-Democratic Republic of the Congo Foreign Ministers’ Meeting 1 
Japan-Democratic Republic of the Congo Foreign Ministers’ Meeting 2

On October 6, commencing at about 11 a.m. for approximately 20 minutes, Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Affairs, held a Foreign Ministers’ Meeting with H.E. Mr. Léonard She-Okitundu, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who is visiting Japan for the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Meeting. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

1. At the outset, Minister Kono offered congratulations for the decision on October 5 to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Denis Mukwege, who is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in appreciation for his work against sexual violence in war and armed conflictsOpen a New Window. Minister Kono also expressed his respect for serious efforts by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in this area, centered on Ms. Jeanine Mabunda, Personal Representative of the Chief of State of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the Fight against Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment, and for the results that have been produced.

2. Following that, Minister She-Okitundu expressed gratitude for the welcome from Japan, showed his expectations for assistance from Japan in various fields, and stated that he would like to further develop the bilateral strategic partnership with Japan going forward including through the TICAD process.

3. Furthermore, Minister She-Okitundu stated that the process of the presidential election scheduled this year was steadily progressing step by step. In response, Minister Kono referred to the importantance that the election would be carried out in a free, fair, and peaceful manner.

4. In addition, both Ministers held an exchange of views regarding cooperation in the international arena including Security Council reform.

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