Press Releases

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology

November 27, 2018

1. The IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology will be held from 28 to 30 November in Vienna, Austria.

2. Mr. Kiyoto TSUJI, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, will attend this conference representing the Government of Japan.

3. Mr. TSUJI will co-chair this Conference along with representative of the Republic of Costa Rica and make a statement on behalf of the Government of Japan.

This conference is the first ministerial conference whose purposes are facilitating high-level dialogue among participants on nuclear science, technology and application for peaceful uses and the future contributions to addressing global issues such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through nuclear science and technology. The Conference will consist of ministers, policy makers, scientists, technical experts and others from the IAEA Member States.

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